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熨衣服时要小心。Be careful while ironing.

如何熨烫金袖一族衬衫?How to ironing GGM shirts?

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烫衣板烧焦得非常严重。The ironing board was scorched badly.

他把熨衣板烧了一个洞。He burned a hole on the ironing board.

其中有个旧的木制熨衣板。There was an old wooden ironing board.

我需要新买个烫衣板罩。I need to buy a new ironing board cover.

再也别把一大堆衣服摞在熨衣板上啦。Do not pile clothes on your ironing board.

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在烫衣服前应将衣服打湿。You should damp clothes before ironing them.

在熨衣服之前应将衣服打湿。You should damp clothes before ironing them.

你已经知道了,我自己转移注意力的方法就是熨衣服。You already know that my diversion is ironing.

这个桌子是可转变的,而成烫衣板。This table is convertible into an ironing board.

要熨衣服的话,先得在火上把熨斗烧热。To do ironing , they heated an iron over a fire.

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干燥间要提供一个烫衣板。Drying room to be provided with an ironing board.

这件衬衫滴干快,无需熨烫。The shirt drip-dries in seconds,takes little ironing.

许太已经熨衣服半个小时了。Mrs. Xu has been ironing the clothes for half an hour.

领要先喷些粉浆再熨。Spray starch on the shirt collars before ironing them.

所以我在你起床前就熨好了你的衬衫。So I had finished ironing your shirt before you got up.

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我可以借用一下你们的熨斗和熨衣板吗?Do you have an iron and ironing board that I can borrow?

熨烫时,可适量喷湿,易于烫平。Spray it a little wet may help ironing out the wrinkles.

鞋面锤平机鞋口锤平机具有锤打和电热烫平功能。It has function of hammering and electric heating ironing.