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他是一位聪明忠诚的村夫。He was a gash an'faithful tyke.

寺庙有从的一个巨大的砍得恨深的伤口柴刀吹。The temple had a huge gash from a hatchet-blow.

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你可以在画上看到四英寸的裂缝。You can see the four-inch gash in the painting.

我的耳朵后面划了个口子,血流出了长长一溜。I had a gash like a long slug, just behind my ear.

我只看见它的眉毛处有一个深深的流着血的伤口。The only injury I saw was a bloody gash on its brow.

他今天无法工作,因为他在使用斧头时手被弄伤了。He cannot work today, he got a gash in his hand while axing.

他用一把锐利的刀子在橡树的树皮上割了一道锐利的伤口。He made a gash in the bark of the oak tree with a sharp knife.

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血液从伤口中涌出,他像受伤的动物一样哀号着。He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash.

一只漏下的钉子给他的脚上来了道6英寸长的口子。He got a 6 inch gash in his foot from a trim nail I didn't pick up.

Sheth是英籍斯里兰卡人,他的一只脚被划了很深的一道口子。Sheth, British with Sri Lankan roots, has an open gash on his foot.

此外这里还有一对正在相互撕扯的夜叉龙,其中一只身上有道血淋淋的伤口。There's also a pair of fighting Stygimoloch, one with a bloody gash.

今天,我的前额在一场车祸中受了伤。Today, I was in an accident that left me with a gash on my forehead.

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对于朋友背上40英寸长的伤口他无能为力了。There wasn't much he could do for the 40-inch gash on his friend's back.

他试了试了他的嗓子,看是否还能发出声音来,然后小心翼翼地触摸砍得很深的伤口。He tested his voice to see if he could speak. Gingerly, he felt the gash.

GASH恶毒攻击外国人,但零食之一,您孔雀鱼不时。GASH viciously attacks aliens, but will snack on one of your guppies from time to time.

玲子还在哭喊,额头被擦伤了,除此之外,毫发无损。Reiko was crying and had a gash on her forehead, but otherwise the child seemed unhurt.

勺坐油,炸马蹄捞出,下鸡丁划开片刻倒出。Spoon sat oil, deep-fried water chestnut fish out, the next moment Chicken gash poured.

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他嚷了起来,但是那种蓝色液体点着了他的鞋,还在他的脚上弄了条大口子。He shrieked but the blue liquid had burned off his shoe and caused a big gash in his foot.

太阳早已落山,远远的西方却低低地横亘着一抹殷红的残霞,宛如一道未愈的伤口。The sun had long set, but one bloodred gash like an open wound lay low in the distant west.

从那时开始,日本甚至深入到乡村建设不知通向何方的道路和不知架往何方的桥梁。Thenceforth, Japan would gash its countryside with roads to nowhere and bridges to nothing.