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我想修脚趾甲。I'd like a pedicure.

您要修脚指甲吗?。Would you like a pedicure?

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为什么我们需要修甲?Why do we need a manicure or pedicure?

我想做手指甲和脚趾甲。I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.

我想做一下手部和脚部指甲的修护。I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.

我也想要修手和脚指甲。I would also like a manicure and pedicure.

我感觉自己该去修个脚,按摩按摩,放松一下。I felt I deserved a pedicure and a massage.

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修甲另一重要原因是因为去死皮。Another important reason for Manicure or Pedicure is removing the dead skin.

小女孩们站在她的脚趾上,在她的红色指甲盖上留下了黑色的擦痕。Little girls stand on her toes, leaving black scuffmarks on her red pedicure.

但是,如果你有脚臭的话,那么即使最好的修脚师或者最漂亮的袜子也无济于事。However, the prettiest pedicure or cutest socks make no difference if your feet stink.

在不完全干净的足疗矿泉中,修脚时的划痕和切口都能被细菌感染。Nicks and cuts from shaving can be infected by bacteria in inadequately cleaned pedicure spas.

你没有担忧,反而拿出那瓶限量版粉色指甲油,修起了趾甲。Instead of worrying, you get out that limited edition pink nail polish and give yourself a pedicure.

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修脚的全部过程包括进行盐水浴和按摩,然后才涂抹指甲油。A full treatment pedicure includes a salt bath soak and massage before the application of nail polish.

第二天,我们感觉就像前一天做了一次足疗一样——或者说,就好像有人给我们的脚做了一次按摩。The next day it felt like you’d had a pedicure — or that someone had given your feet a bit of a scrub.

光滑的皮革鞋面与现代的蝴蝶结设计露出一个开放的窥视脚趾炫耀您最新的修脚。Smooth leather upper with modern bow design revealing an open peep-toe to show off your latest pedicure.

不仅仅因为这样的鞋方便穿脱,而且你已到达目的地就可以立刻享受足疗。Not only are they easier to pop on and off at security, but once you're through you can indulge in a pedicure.

几年前,你很难看到男人去做面部保养、修脚或在公开场合让人往自己身上涂抹护肤品。A few years ago, it was rare to see a man having a facial, a pedicure or being slathered with lotion in public.

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直到加拿大卫生官员发现时,鱼疗正在温哥华岛成为一种流行的足部治疗方式。Fish nibbling was becoming a popular pedicure procedure at a Vancouver Island spa, at least until health officials found out.

了解有关获取本免费视频剪辑作为与专家的假日购物提示修脚少女的圣诞礼物。Learn about getting a pedicure as a Christmas gift for teenage girls with expert holiday shopping tips in this free video clip.

如在享受石板浴的同时,请技师提供按摩、修脚、等多项服务,令您浴后全身松爽。While enjoying the best the rock bathing offers, you can couple your enjoyment with massage, pedicure and all services you can name.