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少即是多?Less is more?

再多爱我一些。Love me more.

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战争,不会再来!No more wars!

别说,我全懂了!Say no more !

这么多玩发当中。So more hair.

再多试一次。Try one more.

我不能再说下去了。I can no more.

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别再数绵羊啦!No more sheep!

再来一遍One more time.

没错,甚至更多。Well, and more.

更酷的东西。More cool stuff.

多玩点游戏!Play more games!

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多玩游戏。Play more games.

我想多下雨,和家里有一个更大的水窖。I want more rain.

更多的定义。More definitions.

觉得洗衣袋重量不够吗?Need more weight?

还会有更多的华彩乐章将在你面前展开。There'll be more.

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他们使用得更多。They use it more.

伯特是没有更多的。Berthe is no more.

恺撒已不复存在了。Caesar is no more.