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质膜向内折叠成波浪状。The plasmalemma folded entad forming wave shape.

液胞化细胞中的质膜内陷数量多,体积增大。The vacuolated cells had larger and more invaginating plasmalemma than those in the meristemate cells.

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在正常食管上皮,表浅细胞及棘细胞的质膜上可见受体。Receptors were found on the plasmalemma of superficial and prickle cells of normal esophageal epithelia.

因此认为,苦皮藤素V主要作用于中肠细胞的质膜及其内膜系统。It is thus suggested that celangulin V might act on the plasmalemma and the organelle membrane of the midgut cells.

电镜下观察发现,冷冻后精子质膜和顶体是冷冻损伤的主要部位。The electron microscopic observation revealed that sperm head plasmalemma and acrosome were the most cryosensitive.

在分化细胞中,质膜呈波状起伏或形成某些大小不等的质膜内陷。The undulate plasmalemma or some invaginations of plasmalemma varied in size was observed in the meristematic cells.

将质膜嵌入预先涂制好的平面脂双层,然后用电学方法测定该脂双层的离子选择通透性。The plasmalemma was incorporated into planar bilayer lipid membrane and ion channels were measured by electrical methods.

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在衰退细胞与邻近正常细胞之间的共同壁上尚有许多胞间连丝。Small electron-dense inclusions occur within the peripheral cytoplasm or between the plasmalemma and the walls in the adjacent cells.

精子表面蛋白质在精子运动、精卵识别、穿孔以及精卵融合方面起到重要作用。Sperm surface proteins are important in sperm motility, sperm-egg recognition or binding to the zona pellucida and plasmalemma of the ovum.

质膜内陷中的内含物以小泡和卷绕的膜结构形式存在。Complex accumulations of membranes consisting of vesicular and coiled membranous structures might develop within the plasmalemma invaginations.

在原生质浓密的细胞中,质膜呈起伏的波纹状,某些部位发生明显内陷,大小不等,多呈圆球状。In cells with dense protoplasm, plasmalemma appeared undulated but occasionally spherical and variable in size with conspicuous invaginations that projected into the peripheral cytoplasm.

对生长分化期水稻胚乳细胞的质膜内陷进行了超微结构和磷酸酶的细胞化学研究。The plasmalemma in endosperm cells of rice showed invagination with developing and differentiating. The ultrastructure and phosphatase activity cytochemistry of these invaginations were studied.