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那么这场稀土纷争给人什么的教训?So what are the lessons of the rare earth fracas?

大约30分钟后,争吵开始,一切都结束了。Some 30 minutes after the fracas began, it was over.

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这个年轻人除了在街上吵闹,一无是处。The young men had nothing better to do than fracas in the streets.

新的工资政策在昨天的会上引起了激烈的打闹。The new wages policy caused a terrible fracas at the meeting yesterday.

马曼也因与逮捕他的警官吵闹而被控以拒捕罪。Marman also was booked for resisting arrest after a fracas with an arresting officer.

米克尔亦对置身殴斗表示认错,但拒绝接受他理应被驱逐。Mikel also apologised for his part in the fracas but refused to accept he deserved to be sent off.

正如华盛顿的债务论战所显示出来的,即使是美国政府也不能被视为完全没有风险。As the fracas in Washington has shown, not even the U.S. government can be seen as completely risk-free.

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在一辆装甲运兵车,在几名士兵看着红色贝雷帽从更远的道路的争吵。In an armored personnel carrier, several soldiers in red berets watched the fracas from farther up the road.

英足总调查了赛后的影像资料,不过他们不会对卷入冲突的球员采取任何行动。The FA looked at video footage of the post-match fracas , but will not take action against any players involved.

苏州各界质疑声四起,提出教授们参与政治谈话对他们的学生会产生何种影响之类的问题。The Soochow fracas raises questions about the kind of impact that professors who "talk politics" have on their students.

还有人抱怨香港的凤凰卫视在事件发生时将画面切走。Another complained that Hong Kong-based Phoenix television cut away from live transmission of the speech as the fracas began.

为让罗本吃红牌假装脸部受到攻击,且在促使赛末冲突升级中扮演了关键角色。Feigned an elbow in the face in an effort to get Robben sent off and played a key role in escalating the end of match fracas.

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最让长期关注这一争端头疼的是双方政府在这个摩擦事件上强硬的自信。But what is most worrisome to long-time watchers of the dispute is the assertiveness of both governments in the current fracas.

这在伦敦城随后便引起了轩然大波,出售Jumbo不仅关系到人们深爱的观光明星,更关系到不列颠的民族认同。An uproar immediately ensued in London. The fracas was about more than a beloved sightseeing attraction -- it was about British national identity.

在接下来的骚乱中,卢修斯在杰拉德朝他走来并像是给了他脑袋上一拳之前,接二连三地推挤阿格尔。In the fracas that followed, Theo Lucius repeatedly shoved Agger before Gerro moved in and seemed to slap the Feyenoord man on the side of the head.

去年,巴西队和中国队的一场友谊热身赛开场仅仅一分钟,两队就拳脚相向。Last year, a friendly warm-up match between the Brazilian and Chinese teams turned into a kicking-and-punching fracas just one minute into the game.

上周炒的沸沸扬扬的所谓脾气门的插曲事件,面对大众对唐宁街的控诉,卡里库珀激流勇退,辞去了慈善机构的职位。Last week, in the fracas surrounding the so-called Bully Gate episode, Cary Cooper resigned from the charity at the centre of the Downing Street accusations.

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目击者说,支持者抓住了好几个带着多份事先填好的支持执政党候选人的无记名选票的人,随后发生了冲突。The fracas erupted after supporters apprehended several people with scores of pre-ticked ballot papers in favor of ruling-party candidates, the witnesses said.

德国邮政近日表示,它已经拒绝印刷准备免费邮寄的、带有达赖喇嘛像的信封,试图避开政治喧嚣。Deutsche Post recently said it had refused to print ready-franked envelopes bearing an image of the Dalai Lama—an attempt to steer clear of the political fracas.

一位来自基督城的目击者说,比赛十分有趣,不过人们并不清楚为什么会演变成纠纷。A witness, on holiday in Queenstown from Christchurch, said the race was entertaining, but as it deteriorated into a fracas the crowd did not know what to make of it.