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我们就靠你了。We're counting on you.

好吧,我就靠你了。OK. I'm counting on you.

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她天天都在数着日子。She is counting the days.

她每天都在数着日子。She eis counting the days.

她正在数她的钱。She was counting her money.

他总是小心火烛。He is always counting sheep.

整个晚上他都在数羊。He is counting sheep all night.

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她扳着手指在计算。She is counting on her fingers.

海登长吸了一口气,停止数数。Hayden sighed and stopped counting.

国王在他的帐房里。The king was in his counting house.

你是在打如意算盘。You are counting without your host.

但谁又会在贫穷国家计算呢?But who in the poor world is counting?

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保质期,100年,且延续。Service life, 100 years, and counting.

你确定把每个人都算进去了么?Are you sure you are counting everyone?

你怎么看计算卡路里摄入量?How do you feel about counting calories?

正数着过冬的粮食,一堆就是一餐饭。Was counting winter dinners, one a hill.

我们一直算着日子要和你再见面。We’ve been counting the days to see you.

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马尔罗伊不依赖于降雨或者求雨。Mulroy is not counting on rain or prayer.

批量点钞和正常点钞累计总和。Bath counting and counting cumulation sum.

数羊已经成大事件了。Counting sheep had become quite the thing.