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老盖茨的母亲对孩子比较溺爱,为人非常随和。His mother was doting and easygoing.

要怪溺爱这一代的父母、老师和辅导员。Blame it on doting parents, teachers and coaches.

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但是作为一个受宠的妻子,我觉得我做得不够格。But as far as doting wife goes, I think I lack form.

这位宠爱妻子的丈夫总是高度满足太太的各项要求。The doting husband catered to his wife's every wish.

将探针按一定的顺序点样于醛基化的玻片上,制备成基因芯片。Gene chips were made by doting the probes to modified slide.

他补充说,拉马丹将有花,夏季,当地人溺爱。Ramadan would spend summers there, doting on the locals, he adds.

罗莎莉、不管怎样,有着一对溺爱她的父母和两个弟弟。Rosalie, however, had two doting parents and two younger brothers.

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用含糊的、哽咽的、明朗的、虔诚的、温柔的、宠溺的声音。With mumble, sobbing, cheering , prayerful , tender or doting voice.

喜爱赵薇的影迷观?看着她从淘气的少女成长为狡黠的喜剧演员。Doting audiences have seen Zhao grow from elfin youth to cagey comedian.

的确,我相当宠爱这个孩子,但她也确实非常伶俐。She is very smart, even if you accept that I am such a doting grandmother.

这种家长和溺爱型有点类似,但又不同。This type of parent is similar to the " doting " parent, but also different.

溺爱孩子的母亲给孩子太多的爱,以到于和丈夫疏远了。A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.

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溺爱子女的母亲把太多的爱给予孩子,而疏远她丈夫。种竹成林。A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.

贾母对宝玉溺爱的同时,想以婚姻来约束宝玉。Merchant while the mother is doting to Bao Yu, want to restrain Bao Yu with marriage.

溺爱孙子的老奶奶骑了一条毛驴,追到游击队驻地来找人。A doting grandmother harnessed a donkey, pursued the boy and rode to guerrilla headquarters.

“她是个很宠嬖孩子的母亲,”看着她和她刚出生不久的小宝宝从我面前经由,我如许想着。"She's such doting mother, " I thought, looking at the woman and her newborn passing me by in the park.

“她是个很溺爱孩子的母亲,”看着她和她刚出生不久的小宝宝从我眼前经过,我这样想着。“She’s such a doting mother,” I thought, looking at the woman and her newborn passing me by in the park.

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等他再长高一点,宠溺的家长将会把足球课程换成篮球训练。When he grows a little taller, his doting parents will trade in football lessons for basketball coaching.

虽然斥责妈妈偏心,可荔对小儿极为溺爱,对女儿欲用骂的教育。Although rebuked mom eccentric, but the children extremely doting libo of education to the daughter with scold.

与母亲的朋友进行一番沟通后,一副勤勉、有社会意识、溺爱孩子的母亲形象跃然而出。Interviews with her mother's friends revealed a picture of a doting parent who was industrious and civic-minded.