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多项式模型可提高拟合效果。Multinomial model can raise to the imitative effect.

目的研究第一类、第二类契贝谢夫多项式的一些恒等式。Aim To study the identities of the first and second Chebyshev multinomial.

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IBM是大型的IT产品及服务提供商,其产品及服务涉及多项领域。IBM is large IT product and service provider, its product and service involve multinomial field.

地下水资源量受多项因素影响,是一动态随机过程。Groundwater resources may be influenced by multinomial factors, which is a dynamic random process.

本文应用多项罗机模式分析彩视机消费者之选择行为。This paper applied multinomial logit models to analyze the choice behavior of colored TV consumers.

香港廉政公署的调查涉及多项贪污指控。Hong Kong cheap politics the investigation of the government office involves multinomial corruption accusation.

二次多项式函数模型得出的蛋氨酸需要量高于折线模型估计的需要量。Met requirement based on the quadratic multinomial model was highter than that of Based on the broken linear model.

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除此之外,车主还可选装主动转向头灯等多项高科技装备。Besides, car advocate optional still outfit changes the multinomial high-tech such as headlight to actively equipment.

多项式乘除法运算过程与普通代数多项式的乘除法相同。The multinomial rides the division while the division operation process and the ordinary algebra multinomial to be same.

但常规型m序列,由于线性复杂性较低,容易由B-M等算法推出极小多项式,最终破译。But the linear complexity is relatively low and easy to calculate the little multinomial by B-M algorithm and decodes finally.

高通坐拥多项CDMA的核心专利,能够经由过程常识产权获得暴利。Connect high sit the core that possesses multinomial CDMA is patent, can obtain sudden huge profits through intellectual property.

摘要求两个多项式的最大公因式,可以用辗转相除法及分解因式法。Generally speaking division algorithm and factor resolution can be used to find the greatest common factor of the two multinomial.

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在无套利假设下,讨论了多叉树模型中鞅测度的构造问题。This paper discussed the construction of martingale measures in multinomial market model under the hypothesis of no arbitrage opportunity.

本文在复数域上证明了哈密尔顿-凯莱定理,并给出方阵A的特征多项式的全部矩阵根。The paper proved the Hamilton-Cayley theorem in complex number space, and indicated the all matrix root of the sign multinomial of matrix A.

本文试图从多元多项式回归模型的特性出发,研究其在渔业技术经济分析中的应用。The article gives a description of the multi-variable multinomial regression model and discusses its use in fishery technical and economic analyses.

根据模平方运算自身的特点,选用了多项式基进行运算,使模平方运算在一个时钟周期完成,比直接调用模乘运算提高一半以上的速度。Using multinomial radix, the modular square will be finished in one period of the clock, which is faster than using the point multiplication directly.

经使用和测试,这台地铁盾构推进稳定,多项技术指标达到进口盾构的水准。Via use and checking, compose of aegis of this mesa iron advances stability, multinomial technology index reaches the level that imports aegis compose.

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本文采用多项式回归分析的方法,进行传感器静态特性的建模。The multinomial regression-analysis method is adopted in matrix set -up of sensor static characteristics, F-examination is used for the recognition of power.

提出常规阿尔奇公式是多项式的特殊形式,给出了岩石润湿性的识别和分类解释方法。The conventional Archie?s formula is considered as a particular form of multinomial. The identification and classification methods of rock wettability are given.

本研究利用多元选择迴归模型及决策树技术,从代理问题、股权结构、营运绩效、风险等构面,探讨影响我国企业会计师选择决策之关键决定因素。In this paper, we apply the multinomial logit regression and decision tree approaches to examine the critical deciding factors that affect auditor choice decisions.