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同步还是异步?Synchronous or asynchronous?

它们是同步还是异步的?Are they synchronous or asynchronous?

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同步和异步交付支持。Synchronous and asynchronous delivery support.

异步数据报通道与多播Asynchronous datagram channels and multicasting

轮询非同步作业的状态。Polling for the Status of an Asynchronous Operation.

而对于异步用例,我们只使用一个线程。For the asynchronous case, we'll use only one thread.

它使用一个异步消息发送机制。It uses an asynchronous messaging delivery mechanism.

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并行性的同步和异步支持。A synchronous and asynchronous approach for parallelism.

它使得程序员可以处理异步事件。It empowers a programmer to handle an asynchronous event.

异步请求是在另一个线程上处理的。An asynchronous request is processed on a different thread.

文章对异步电动机软启动做了分析。This paper analyzes the soft-start of the asynchronous motors.

如果您有很多短期的异步任务,可以考虑使用它。Consider using it if you have a bunch of short asynchronous tasks.

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这会使调用成为同步的,而不再是通常的异步的。This makes the call synchronous instead of the usual asynchronous.

一般而言,在队列中发送消息是一个异步的活动。In general, sending a message on queue is an asynchronous activity.

本文提出异步时序电路的设计方法。A method of designing asynchronous sequential circuits is presented.

另外,需要中介流来实现异步服务。And, mediation flow was required to implement asynchronous services.

应避免对每次按键或鼠标移动都发出异步调用。Avoid making an asynchronous call for every keystroke or mouse move.

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借助异步模型,队列本身可以充当一个减压阀。With an asynchronous model, the queue itself acts as a relief valve.

一个从外设到处理器的异步电信号。An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor.

但是,如果您具有很多异步操作时,这可能就是一个问题了。However, if you have lots of asynchronous work, this can be an issue.