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所谓物权行为究竟是指什么?。What is so-called juristic act of real right?

第五十六条民事法律行为可以采取书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。Article 56 A Juristic Act may be in written, oral or other form.

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产权制度改革最关键的是需要相应的法律支持。The keynote of property rights system reform is juristic support.

法律行为既可以附条件又可以附期限。Chapter 4 focuses on validity of juristic act based on effectuation.

公民、法人可以通过代理人实施民事法律行为。Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents.

法律规定是特定形式的,应当依照法律规定。A juristic act may take any form, unless a specific form is provided by law.

第五十七条民事法律行为从成立时起具有法律约束力。Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted.

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事实上,有学者坚持胡果创立了物权行为理论。In fact, some people insist Hugo find the theory of juristic act of real right.

遗失、拾得是事实行为,抛弃是法律行为。Losing and picking-up are factual behaviors while abandoning is of juristic act.

物权行为以其独立性和无因性为支柱。The juristic acts of real rights are based on unreason principle and independence principle.

因此,加强和提高公安民警的法律素质尤为重要。Hence, to consolidate and improve policemen's juristic knowledge appears particularly important.

违反强行法的法律行为无效是各国的共同规则,可称为法律行为生效的“适法规范”。It is a common principle in all countries that juristic acts that violate jus cogens are invalid.

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纳税筹划就是利用税法相关政策而进行的节税法律行为。Tax paying plan is the juristic act of tax saving which is achieved by using tax-related policies.

城市规划具备着法的一般特征,其法律价值和社会价值也是学科所关注的根本问题。The juristic and social value are of the major themes that the urban planning should concentrate on.

保证实为一种附生效条件的法律行为,这是支撑保证存在并发挥作用的决定性因素。Guarantee is a king of juristic act subject to conditions, which is a decisive factor to its existence.

不能以善意取得制度否定物权行为的无因性。We should not deny the abstract nature of juristic acts of real rights due to the bona fide gain system.

代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency.

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物权行为的基本原则包括物权行为独立性与无因性。The basic principles of the juristic act of real right include the methods of independence and abstractness.

生育权是一项基本人权,属于政治概念范畴,也是一个法律概念。Birthright which belongs to the scope of politics is a basic natural right for a man, and also a juristic concept.

无因性的存在,使物权行为理论的价值受到挑战。The existence of unreason principle makes the value of the theory of the juristic acts of real rights be challenged.