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我必须说他的热情感染了我。I must say that his ardour infected me.

他对事业的热情激励着他的追随者。His ardour for the cause inspired his followers.

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他对政治的热情使他多次投入争论。His political ardour led him into many arguments.

他们是有爱国热情的年轻人。They are such young man who have patriotic ardour.

娜塔莎以自己特有的爱管闲事的热情,突然也真干了起来。Natasha, too, suddenly set to work with the ardour that was characteristic of her in all she did.

他所有的只是一些生活经验,一些从书本上得来的知识和青年的热情。All he had was a little experience in life, some knowledge derived from books, and the ardour of youth.

“她可不像看上去那样幼稚,”他想,从此对她更加尊重和热情。"She's not so inexperienced as she looks, " he thought, and thereafter his respect and ardour were increased.

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但实际上只是理发员在给年轻的先生们做卷发,他在热情工作中把火钳子烧得太热了。But it was only the hairdresser curling the young gentlemen, and over—heating his tongs in the ardour of business.

正如别人爱好艺术、音乐或自然科学那样,小潘说他爱好人类学。As another man has an ardour for art or music, or natural science, Mr. Pen. said that anthropology was his favourite pursuit.

她如此强烈地希望她自己的热情得到报答,以致她干脆对那表现不突出的一切视而不见。She so vehemently wished to find a response to her own ardour that she closed her eyes to all that did not too readily show itself.

本着“诚信、稳健、和谐”的经营理念,为客户创造更大的价值,点燃男人女人激情生活。With the"honesty, steady, harmonious" business concept, Aroiz devotes to create greater customer value, ignite the ardour of men and women.

冬日早晨的空气非常清澈,含有松树的芬芳,使他重又高兴起来,恢复了对生活的热情。There was something in the clear, pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back to his joyousness and his ardour for life.

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他们过去也常常把这面大旗支撑到胜利,结果自己一无所得,但是看来这丝毫也没有减低他们的热忱。The fact that they had carried the flag to victory so often in the past without obtaining any of the spoils, did not seem to damp their ardour in the least.

他们过去也常常把这面大旗支撑到胜利,结果自己一无所得,但是看来这丝毫也没有减低他们的热忱。The fact that they had carried the flag to victory so often in the past without obtaining any of the spoils , did not seem to damp their ardour in the least.

一项新自治宪章,目的是要藉由把更多权力转至巴赛隆纳当局手中以浇息当地的民族主义热情,却在西班牙国会引发长达数月的激辩。A new autonomy charter, designed to dampen nationalist ardour by transferring new powers to Barcelona, has led to months of tense wrangling in the Spanish parliament.