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只有那个知者是真实的。Only the knower is true, is real.

这是对学者的良好的建议?Is this always good advice for a knower?

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这是对学者的良好的建议?Is this always good advice for a knower?5.

知识还在,但知者却不在了。Knowledge is there, but the knower is not.

肯定地你不能说那知者不在场。Surely you cannot say the knower was absent.

尼尼伯,知晓死亡之路径者,记住!NINIB, Knower of the Pathways of the Dead, Remember!

尼尼伯,知晓万物之秘者,记住!NINIB, Knower of the Secrets of All Things, Remember!

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因为你要获得知识必须要有认识能力。Because you have to be a knower in order to have knowledge.

那个人又如何?谁先出现,个人还是知者?And what about the person? What comes first, the person or the knower.

睡眠时没有知者与被知者。是什麽保持身体的感受性?In sleep there is neither the known, nor the knower. What keeps the body sensitive and receptive?

理解性数学教学是一种以促进理解者充分理解数学为目标的教学。The understanding mathematics teaching is one kind of teaching whose goal is to promote the knower to understand mathematics fully.

自然对哲学开放,并且它最伟大的理解者恰巧是阿奎那简称之为“哲人”的异教徒亚里士多德。Nature is open to philosophy, and its greatest knower happened to be the pagan Aristotle, whom Aquinas calls simply "the philosopher."

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结果,知情渡鸦要是与另一只也知情的渡鸦在一起,就会急著去偷取人藏起的物事,符合我们根据先前的实验结果所做的预测。As we predicted from the results of the first experiments, knowers rushed to pilfer the human-made cache if they were paired with another knower.

知识就是认识者透过事物的现象把握本质,这就是杜威所嘲讽的“旁观者知识观”。Knowledge is that a knower masters the essence through the phenomenon of things, which is "the spectator theory of knowledge" sneered at by Dewey.

馀下生命。意识的显现需要一个载体和工具。当生命制造另一个躯体,另一个知者便诞生。Life remains. Consciousness needs a vehicle and an instrument for its manifestation. When life produces another body, another knower comes into being.

人道二,知者利仁,有智慧的人,知道用好这一个“仁”字,不仁者,不可以久处约,不仁者不可以常处乐。Humanitarian two, the knower benevolence, the wise man with good this one know "benevolence" word, not just the place, can not long, not just about not often place joy.