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车道山前必有路,有路我也刹不住。Lane Piedmont Road, a road I do not brake.

来自皮尔蒙特的清甜型汽酒。Semi-dry white sparkling wine from Piedmont.

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巴洛罗位于皮尔蒙大区的西南部。Barolo is located in the southwest of Piedmont area.

多尔池托是皮埃蒙特产区传统的红葡萄品种。The dolcetto is a red grape variety traditional to Piedmont.

当然,我们和在皮德蒙特高原发生的同样的问题。And, of course, we were fixed on the events that had occurred at Piedmont.

北天山山前几条主要河流普遍发育河谷阶地。Terraces are commonly developed in several rivers at the North Tianshan piedmont.

海拔的变化是决定天山南麓山前平原灌丛群落生境差异的主导因子。The altitude change is leading factor of habitat heterogeneity in piedmont plain.

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意式肉饺是一种意大利饺子,类似意式馄饨,在皮埃蒙特地区比较常见。Agnolotti are Italian dumplings, resemblingravioli, typical to the region of Piedmont.

他甚至冒着被判死刑的危险从意大利皮埃荤特区把大米走私出来。He even braved the threat of a death sentence in Italy by smuggling rice out of Piedmont.

去年,在意大利山麓地区,一名穿戴罩袍的突尼斯妇女被处以罚金€500。Last year, a Tunisian woman was fined €500 for wearing a burqa in Italy's Piedmont region.

这条高铁线路一端是意大利皮埃蒙特大区的都灵,另一端连接的是法国南部城市里昂。The line is due to go from Turin, in Italy's Piedmont region, to Lyon, in southern France.

为山前平原上的侵蚀孤丘,海拔约80多米。For the piedmont plain on erosion solitary mound, at an altitude of approximately 80 meters.

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低山麓面和阶地面上的组成物质是红色砂、粘土砾石和红色土。The low piedmont surface and the terrace are composed with red sand, clay gravel and red soil.

北京西山东麓和北山南麓广泛分布着山麓洪积扇地形。The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan.

东北西三面山地环抱,山麓地带接近城市边缘。Northeast surrounded on three sides by mountains, west piedmont zone close to the edge of the city.

比赛在意大利的皮德蒙特地区举行,皮德蒙特是巴贝拉红葡萄的故乡。The competition was held in the Piedmont region of Italy, the home of the red grape variety Barbera.

其分布严格受长岭山北麓活动断裂控制。The distribution of the rupture zone is controled strictly by Changlingshan Northern Piedmont Fault.

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海河流域太行山前地带含水层具有巨大的储水空间和良好的调节能力,是一巨大的潜在地下水库。The aquifer of Taihang piedmont area has a huge water storage capacity and good regulation capability.

西安市秦岭北麓是西安旅游规划中的六大旅游板块之一。The northern piedmont of Xi'an Qinling is one of the six plates of tourism planning in the Xi'an city.

利德霍尔姆今天在都灵附近的家中去世。Liedholm passed away at his home in Cuccaro Monferrato in the Piedmont province of Alessandria near Turin.