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我也喜欢奶油点心。I love curds and whey , too.

我推荐乳清或者大豆蛋白奶昔。I recommend either whey or soy protein shakes.

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我用大豆蛋白粉,不过乳清也可以。I use soy protein powder, but whey works well too.

每三小时食以肉、禽、鱼、蛋或whey。Eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs or whey every 3 hours.

这种熟化可以在乳清下和无乳清下两种情况下进行。Such a maturation can be made both under and out of whey.

贾罗公式乳清蛋白是证明为A级的质量。Jarrow Formulas Whey Protein is certified to be Grade A quality.

施过肥的植物长得快多了,也强壮多了。Plants grow much faster and stronger when whey are given manure.

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没有其他来源提供的蛋白质为乳清的支链氨基酸多。No other source of protein provides as much of the BCAAs as whey.

超卓越优质的非变性胺基酸生物活性乳清!Superior Bioactive Whey With Quality Aminos That Is Non-Denatured!

乳浆蛋白富含谷胱甘肽合成所需的基质。Whey protein is particularly rich in substrates for GSH synthesis.

巧饲粉能代替乳清粉和人工香料。Milk Chocolate Product can replace dried whey and artificial flavors.

乳清是工业生产干酪及干酪素的副产品。Whey are by product of the industrial production of cheese and casein.

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没有必要吃四大勺的乳清蛋白粉,那么多的蛋白。You don't need four scoops of whey powder to get that amount of protein.

猪是以食品废物,乳清和其他的农业废品为主食的。Pigs fed off food waste, whey and other forms of garden and agricultural waste.

一些心理学家认为,人们出门在外时可能感到孤独。Some psychologists claim that people may feel lonely whey they are away from home.

所研制的乳清多肽饮料无苦味,且具有良好的稳定性。The whey poly-peptides drinks obtained were free of bitters and had good stability.

本试验采用乳清粉为原料,研究奶酒发酵生产工艺。The paper studied the milk wine fermentation process with whey powder as raw material.

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现在我可以想象,当他们打开门,发现花,如何快乐的乳清将。Now I can image that when they open the door and find the flowers, how happy whey will be.

用一份低脂低碳水化合物的乳清蛋白质拌入每勺至少23克的蛋白质。Get a whey protein mix that's low fat, low carb, with at least 23 grams of protein per scoop.

金典乳清是一种理想的乳清蛋白,是您营养补充计划的最佳选择。However you use it , Classic Whey is an ideal protein supplement for most nutrition programs.