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信贷市场就像一杯冻结的台克利鸡尾酒。The credit markets are as liquid as a frozen daiquiri.

制作酒代喀涉及新鲜柠檬汁和糖。Making a rum daiquiri involves fresh lime juice and sugar.

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替我点一杯新鲜的凤椰兰姆酒,之后再来一杯草莓代基里酒。Order me a fresh pina colada, followed by a strawberry daiquiri.

你不会马上就忘记海明威台克利酒或是金银花香。You won’t soon forget the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Honeysuckle.

这杯性感的饮品有个很美丽的名字。This gorgeous drink has a beautiful name, Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri.

如果加入淡朗姆酒和莱姆汁鸡尾酒酒成为了黛克瑞。If light rum and lime juice are used then the cocktail becomes a DAIQUIRI.

一杯上等的水果黛克瑞,要用丰富的甜味好的深色朗姆酒。A nice fruity daiquiri that exploits the rich treacly taste of a good dark rum.

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当你年老时回顾过去,难道你不认为不应该喝最后一杯代基里酒吗?When you look back in your old age, won’t you regret not drinking that last daiquiri?

了解如何在这个自由混合饮料混合视频与技巧代喀从专家酒保。Learn how to mix a daiquiri with tips from an expert bartender in this free drink mixing video.

一杯好的的黛克瑞既不甜,也不酸,介于这两种口味的边缘。A well-made daiquiri is neither sweet nor sour, but sits right on the razors edge between those two flavors.

草莓黛克瑞几乎与椰林飘有着同样的坏口感,但是使用新鲜的果汁和水果,口感则会大不同。The Strawberry Daiquiri has almost as bad a name as the Pina Colada, but made right with fresh juices and fruit, its superb.

两个星期后,也就是十月十五日,一名朋友说,约翰·马修斯的弟弟柯蒂斯在台克利酒爵士乐走廊被“如同狗一样射杀了”。Two weeks later, on October 15th, John Matthews's brother Curtis was "shot like a dog", a friend said, in front of the Jazz Daiquiri Lounge.

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两周后,十月十五日,约翰·马修斯的兄弟柯蒂斯在“爵士鸡尾酒酒吧”门口被枪杀,用一个朋友的话说就是“像狗一样被枪杀了”。Two weeks later, on October 15th, John Matthews's brother Curtis was “shot like a dog”, a friend said, in front of the Jazz Daiquiri Lounge.