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这是一种边缘政策。It's a kind of brinkmanship.

当然,有一种外交边缘政策的论调。Of course, there's an argument for diplomatic brinkmanship.

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德黑兰在其核计划上的缘边政策于2010年达到了顶峰。Tehran's brinkmanship over its nuclear program reached new heights in 2010.

我更为乐观的看法是,市场表现和创纪录的不支持率将迫使国会承认议员最近的表现属于白痴行为,迫使国会适应形势变化,以妥协替代边缘政治。their recent behavior and to adapt by substituting compromise for brinkmanship.

鲁尼赢了吗,他的边缘政策迫使俱乐部提供了一份比原定计划更丰厚的合同?Did Rooney win, his brinkmanship forcing the club to offer a more lucrative contract than it intended?

那么,如果这一关于预算的冒险政策和政治闹剧真的导致政府关门的话,下一步会发生什么事情呢?So if all this budgetary brinkmanship and political theater does lead to a shutdown, what will happen next?

作者令其笔下的人物意外地深陷看上去不可能解决地棘手事件之中。Crisis is the key to story-writing, a sort of brinkmanship in which the author mires his characters in happenings so sticky as to seem impossible of solution.

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今日,因三驾马车令希腊实施紧急政策,使得全球投资者和决策者的信心都遭遇重创,市场继续维持风险规避状态。Markets remain in a wary state of risk aversion today as Greeces brinkmanship with the troika rattles the confidence of global investors and policymakers alike.

年初海地大地震,年末北朝鲜又像个不安分子,动不动就想用边缘政策对待外交。It began with a massive earthquake in Haiti and wound down with North Korea once again being an enfant terrible – bizarrely trying to conduct diplomacy through brinkmanship.

此外,对于那些担忧非洲大陆资源争夺战可能重新导致冷战时期灾难性的边缘政策的人而言,中国此举将尼日尔推到了领头羊的位置。It has also turned Niger into a bellwether for those who fear that the struggle to secure the continent's resources risks re-creating the ruinous brinkmanship of the cold war.

渣打银行首席经济学家杰勒德·莱恩斯说,其中可能有“一点点边缘政策”的味道,但是艰难的经济气候使任何贸易争端都很惊人。Gerard Lyons, chief economist at Standard Chartered, said there was probably "an element of brinkmanship" involved but the tough economic climate made any trade dispute alarming.

在昨天的一场外交边缘政策的游戏里,新的发展让紧张态势进一步升级,这好像注定要把华盛顿和平壤带向冲突。The fresh developments increased the tension yet further yesterday in a game of diplomatic brinkmanship that seems destined to put Washington and Pyongyang on a collision course.

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与决策过程密切相关的可靠人士今晚说,意昂公司的举动是一项“边缘政策”行动,旨在促使大臣们减轻能源公司在碳捕集与存储方面的经济负担。A source close to the process said tonight that E.ON's move could be an act of "brinkmanship" intended to force ministers to place less of the financial burden for CCS on energy companies.

一个是可怕的主权违约,一些本不应该出现在美国却因众议院共和党不计后果的边缘政策而存在了一段时间。One is the chilling specter of sovereign default, something that never should have come up in the United States but did for a while because of the reckless brinkmanship of House Republicans.

观察家推测,此次威胁是朝鲜又一轮的高风险外交手段,旨在使参加多边核谈判的美国等多国在提供援助的方面尽快做出让步。Observers have interpreted the threat as another round of diplomatic brinkmanship aimed at winning quick concessions on aid from the US and other countries taking part in multilateral nuclear talks.