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或者,他信任上帝的干涉吗?Or does he trust in God to intervene?

我找一个中间人来干涉。Let me find an intermediary to intervene.

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所以政府进行了大规模的干预。So the government intervene on a massive scale.

陈红不知道。法院希望能庭外和解。I don't know. The court hopes they can intervene.

你可能可以采用靶向治疗进行干预。Maybe you could intervene with a targeted therapy.

如果需要干预,我们会在那个时候介入。If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time.

奥巴马在哪里?他是否打算军事干涉?Where is Oblahblah? Is he going to militarily intervene?

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有时“守护者”们干预和驱散猎狮者们。Sometimes the guardians intervene and break up lion-hunters.

谁给了你们干涉我们内政的权利?Who gave you the right to intervene in our internal affairs?

有时他们干涉并驱散偷猎狮子者。Sometimes the guardians intervene and break up lion- hunters.

之后他通知律师,要求警察进行干涉。Then he instructs his attorney to ask the police to intervene.

一种不常见的做法是直接干预当地市场。A less common tactic is to intervene directly in local markets.

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可能还来得及由他出面说一下情?Perhaps there was still time to intervene in behalf of that man.

如果出现问题,毕格罗宇航员会人工进行调正。The Bigelow astronauts would intervene only if any problems arise.

有些被试在紧急情况下没有任何干涉的举措。Some participants made no move to intervene in the apparent emergency.

面对足球“黑哨”问题,司法应该介入。Facing this problem, it's necessary for judicial organs to intervene in.

政治策略指出政府必须积极参与援助。Politics dictates that governments must intervene energetically to help.

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事实上,只有在政府干预的情况下,市场经济才能发挥作用。In fact, the market economy can function only if the state does intervene.

在人文制度的演变中,突然的人为干预是很危险的It's dangerous to abruptly intervene in the evolution of human institutions.

如果有孩子取笑另一个孩子的身体相貌,作出干涉。Intervene when one child teases another about his or her physical appearance.