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尼龙雨衣的手感又干又脆又薄,像纸一样。Linen raincoats have a crisp, papery feel.

我吃了一片药止住那薄薄的纸一样的感觉。I have taken a pill to kill The thin Papery feeling.

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肯恩的手,弄乾几乎薄,在她的上臂上安顿。Ken's hand, dry almost papery , settled on her upper arm.

爸爸的办公室里闻起来有一股英镑钞票的味道,有纸味,也有金属味。Dad's office smells of pound notes, papery but metallic too.

纸飞机依靠人扔出时提供的动力向前滑行。Papery planes rely on the power when people provide to volplane forward.

在系统中,拟定将纸质档案数字化为数字图像。In the system, the papery archive is transferred into digital document image.

很少,果浆果状核果具膜质或纸质内果皮具核果或。Fruit a berrylike drupe with membranous or papery endocarp , rarely drupaceous or loculicidal.

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例如大黄蜂等多种群居蜂中的任意一种,它们用吮吸的树木的浆后,建造极薄的蜂巢。Any of various social wasps, such as the hornet, that builds papery nests from chewed wood pulp.

她们嘴唇薄薄的,眼皮薄的像层纸,颧骨高耸,喉结突出,老气横秋。They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.

纸质的灯罩因为轻盈方便安放,可以让主人随心情更换不同的灯罩。Because papery chimney is lightsome convenient put, can let host change along with the mood different chimney.

包装纸里钻出一对圆鼓鼓的黑眼睛,然后是黄色的喙、红色的蝴蝶结和桔黄色的脚。A pair of black, beady eyes peeked out from their papery hiding place, then a yellow beak, a red bow tie, and orange feet.

电子病案的管理方式对纸质病案管理提出了新的要求。The management of Electronic medical record puts forward new requirements to the management of the papery medical records.

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球茎一种短厚而坚硬的储存食物的地下茎,有时有似纸的鳞状叶片,例如藏红花或。A short, thick, solid, food-storing underground stem, sometimes bearing papery scale leaves, as in the crocus or gladiolus.

随着互联网的普及,传统的纸质信件已经逐渐被高效、低成本的电子邮件所取代。As the popularization of Internet, the efficient and cheep email has become the substitute to the conventional papery mail.

但记者仔细观察发现,这些水龙头仅粘贴一些纸质的标签,甚至无任何标记。But the reporter observes discovery carefully, these faucet only a few more stickup papery label, do not have any mark even.

工厂配备专业设计人员及方案策划人员,专业策划、设计纸质办公用品、宣传资料等一系列印刷产品。We employed professional designers and solution planners who are specialized in making office use and commercial papery products.

真正的网络文学和纸介文学应该是相通的,互补的。Because of the limits and disadvantages of the internet literature, it should communicate and complement with the papery literature.

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传统的纸质城市公交地图由于它的直观性差、信息准确性不高等缺点,已经不能满足使用者快速寻路的需求。Tradition papery city public traffic, whose intuition and veracity is not good, can not satisfy user's need of looking for way quickly.

为了实现通用的“RFID包装箱”,设计了一种对包装箱内物品不敏感的纸基RFID标签天线。For universal "RFID container", a RFID tag antenna on papery substrate is realized, which is not sensitive to materials of the container.

黄蜂科,主要是胡蜂属和大黄蜂属的一种有刺大黄蜂,这类黄蜂以修筑巨大的纸质蜂巢为特点。Any of various large stinging wasps of the family Vespidae, chiefly of the genera Vespa and Vespula, that characteristically build large papery nests.