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冷色比比暖色更有距离感。Cool colors “push backward” or recede more than warm colors.

当你乘火车经过时,房屋和树木似乎向后掠去。Houses and trees seem to recede as you ride past in a train.

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通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.

浪花在你脚边碎开,但在弄湿你的脚前就退去!The waves break at your feet and recede just before getting them wet.

时光荏苒,父亲过早离世带给我的悲伤和气愤开始逐渐减弱。As time moved on my grief and anger at his untimely death began to recede.

税收增加,预算更好看,国家破产的担忧减少。Tax revenues go up, budgets look better, and fears of state bankruptcies recede.

原来那些令人讨厌的习惯和坏脾气似乎都退避三舍。The annoying habits and bad character traits seem to recede into the background.

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我们对自然美的探讨,不应该由马克思倒退到黑格尔或费尔巴哈。Our probe into the natural beauty should not recede to Hegel or Feuerbach from Marx.

洪水继续回退,俄亥俄州西北部的居民忙着清理。Residents in northwest Ohio are busy mopping up as floodwaters there continue to recede.

俄亥俄州西北部的居民正忙着打扫卫生,洪水继续退去。Residents in northwest Ohio are busying mopping up as floodwaters there continue to recede.

由于冷色调表现出远离我们到幕后,因此最好用来作为背景色。Cool colors work best for backgrounds as they appear to recede away from us into the background.

截至记者发稿时止,长沙的雨势稍有减弱,但城区一些路段积水仍未退去。At press time, stop, changsha city, but a slight rain down some section water is still not recede.

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对于孔堤等地区的社区来说,经济上的不安,将在水患之后,还要持续一段时期。For communities such as Klong Toey the economic anxieties will remain long after the floods recede.

此处大滑块上走小滑块,小滑块要先退,大滑块要做延迟。The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to postpone sliding.

他们观察到弱界面粘结的复合材料,断裂的纤维会在基体中缩回。They observed that broken fibers recede within the matrix in composites with weak interfacial bond.

有关人员表示,雨停48小时后,两个邦的水位均有所下降。In both states, the waters continued to recede today after a 48-hour halt in the rain, officials said.

Nicklen说,如果冰线继续消退的话,在50年到100年内,北极熊就会面临灭绝。Nicklen said that polar bears could face extinction within 50 to 100 years if ice continues to recede.

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漂白产品中含有过氧化脲,该物质会破坏牙龈,导致牙龈出血和牙龈退缩。Carbamide peroxide, the whitening agent in bleach, can irritate gums, causing them to bleed and recede.

水会从停船处减退,将船只搁浅在泥浆里,或者显露出地图上没有的河口沙洲。It will recede from moorings, stranding boats in the mud, or reveal sandbars where none are on the maps.

这些争论并没有消失,官员表示,但是此克林顿访朝后,这些疑问有所减退。Those questions have not gone away, officials said, but they may recede a bit after Mr. Clinton’s visit.