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女士宣称她犹豫不决,不知道该不该对科玛斯说。The Lady has claimed that she's hesitant to say anything at this point to Comus.

女士之美如此这般的色情之处,都是来自科玛斯。The eroticization of the Lady's beauty has up to this point come exclusively from Comus.

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但虽然如此她还是可以听到喧哗,和Comus混乱的嬉戏和他狂闹的随从。But nonetheless she can hear the riot and ill-managed merriment of Comus and his riotous crew.

她会拥有更多的力量,那看上去足够,摧毁一个像科玛斯这样的英俊的法师。She has way more power than she needs, it would seem, to destroy a petty little mages like Comus.

你们还记得吧,科玛斯试图色诱那位女士,用一套有利可图的自然美的理论。Comus attempts to seduce the Lady, you'll remember, with something like an economic theory of natural beauty.

我用“束缚“这个词当然是因为在中,当然是因为在中那个显而易见被束缚着的妇人。I'm using the word "stuck," of course, because the Lady had been stuck so famously and so prominently in Comus.

我们已经在某种程度上见识到了,对于弥尔顿来说吃的形象的重要性,想想司酒宴之神。We have already encountered on some level the importance of the figure of eating to John Milton. Think of Comus.

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她思考着她能说什么去回应,但她没有说下去。Comus She discusses what she would like to say in response to Comus, but she doesn't then go on significantly to say it.

她愿意告诉科玛斯关于贞节的事,但是科玛斯既没有耳朵也没有灵魂,去理解高尚的理念和谜团。She'd love to tell Comus something about chastity, but he has neither ear nor soul to apprehend the sublime notion and high mystery.

和其他角色相比,是Comus的讲话,有很多模仿和典故来自莎士比亚的伟大戏剧。It's the speeches of Comus far more than those of any other character that are filled with echoes and allusions to the great plays of Shakespeare.

所以就弥尔顿而言,是一个可理解的事,他需要通过认同那伟大的诗句来贬低莎士比亚,用Comus来压倒比他年纪较大的同时代人。And so it's an understandable ploy on Milton's part that he needs to vilify Shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with Comus.

所以我想提出,从面具到Comus的文学传统的重命名,不仅仅是一个失误,更不仅仅是一个术语或名称的随机变化。So I want to propose that the literary traditions' renaming of this piece from A Mask to Comus is more than just a slip, or more than just a random shift of terms or of names.

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当科玛斯首先完成后,弥尔顿的诗篇还没有印刷,但是,就像Sabrina要不留痕迹的死去或出版,所以弥尔顿不会那么做。When Comus is first performed, Milton's poetry hasn't yet been printed, but it's almost as if Sabrina seems to have died printless or unpublished so that Milton wouldn't have to.

在紧张状态中有一个时刻,涉及童贞和贞节,似乎最为明显,那就是我们上节课看到的,科玛斯和那位女士的相遇。Now one of the moments in which this tension between virginity and chastity seems to be most pronounced is in the encounter between Comus and the Lady that we looked at in the last class.

她向科玛斯解释,一旦她打破沉默将会发生些什么,一旦她真正选择揭开那些,禁锢在她内心许久的浮夸的力量。She explains to Comus what would happen should she actually choose to break her silence, should she actually choose to unleash all of the rhetorical powers that she has pent up inside of her.