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我们有了电子。We have the electron.

电子组态。Electron configuration.

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就是电子转移。It is electron transfer.

它有13。6电子伏特。It is 13.6 electron volts.

它是一个单电子原子。It is a one electron atom.

就是一单位的电子伏特。That is one electron volt.

它很容易失去电子。It's a good electron donor.

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这里有一个单电子原子。This is a one electron atom.

那也是一个单电子系统。That's a one electron system.

他们是电子受体。These are electron acceptors.

什么是电子显微镜?What’s an electron microscope?

键就是共用电子对。The bond is the electron pairs.

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或者说电子已经被释放了。The electron has been liberated.

这是每个原子所具有的电子伏特。This is electron volts per atom.

比较价格在电子伏特。Compare prices in electron volts.

嗯,首先我们需要电子转移。Well, you need electron transfer.

这就是自由电子。This represents the free electron.

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然后锂离子失去它的电子。So lithium 2plus loses its electron.

但是你不能仅仅失去那个电子。But you can't just ditch an electron.

锂二正离子是单电子原子。Lithium 2plus is a one electron atom.