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他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。Their ship was put into port to careen and refit.

这一程序不明确。你整修或重建?This procedure is not clear. Do you refit or rebuild?

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而将潜艇全部改装的其他花费将是五千万美元。And the only other cost will be fifty million to refit each of submarine.

彻底整修在安装和连接中移动过的封板。Properly refit all covers etc. removed during installation and connection.

改装汽车一定要在符合相关法规的前提下进行。Refit vehicle must be in accordance with the relevant regulations of the premise.

如果一切正常,重启后你将看到rEFIt启动菜单。If everything went well you will see the rEFIt boot menu appear on your next restart.

非专业人士,请勿拆开、维修或改装本产品。Please do not separate, maintain, or refit the product if you were not a professional.

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所有都完成后,你只需要重启你的Mac,从REFit引导工具中选择“Linux”。Once all is done you just need to reboot your Mac and select ‘Linux’ from the REFit bootloader when it appears.

本着经济实用的原则,我们用普通车型改装了一辆电视转播车,投入使用后,基本能满足日常工作需要。Basis on economical principle, we used the ordinary vehicle type to refit the ordinary vehicle to relay vehicle.

使用改装命令使用0,1公差,以减少控制点,由此产生的曲线公差范围内。Use the refit command using 0,1 tolerance to reduce the control points on the resulting curves within tolerance.

确认一下是否主板下面还有用不到的线头或导线插头,如果有,把线头移开,重装主板。Make sure there are no un-used stand-offs under your motherboard. If there are, remove them and refit your board.

英国最古老的公共博物馆,牛津阿什莫尔博物馆经过价值1亿美元的整修之后再次向游人开放。Britain's oldest public museum, the Ashmolean in Oxford, has reopened to visitors after a 100-million-dollar refit.

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码头近端,墩柱旁泊着“五、一”号,它的导弹发射仓口全部敞开,在接受一次小规模整修。At the near end of the quay, First of May was lashed to the pier, her rocket silos open as she underwent a minor refit.

长门号在1936年进行了大规模的改装,更换烧煤锅炉为新式重油锅炉。增加装甲和防空火炮。She underwent a major refit in 1936, removing her coal-burning boilers and upgrading her armour and anti-aircraft guns.

2012年,中国第一艘航母服役。该航母是前苏联建造的一艘船壳。China had commissioned its first aircraft carrier Liaoning in 2012. The ship is refit of a hull made in the former Soviet Union.

海星游艇不仅能提供游艇生产、售后服务,还能进行游艇维修、改装与保养。Besidess boatbuilding and after sales services, Heysea Yachts has the capacity to provide repair, refit and maintenance to vessels.

江阴市汽车改装厂座落于太湖畔江阴市,水陆空交通便利。Jiangyin automobile refit factory is located at Taihu Lake bank----Jiangyin City, with convenient sea, road and air transportation.

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介绍一种利用靠模加工球面零件的方法,只需将普通车床简单改装即可。Introduces a kind of methods which process the spheroidal parts by model. This method only need to refit in brief the common lather.

内装单脚灯管,快速瞬时启动,可根据用户要求改装双脚灯管。The inside packs a footight tube, the fleetness starts in a moment, can according to customer request refit the one foot light tube.

这些自主权每个都是一个战线,生物沿着那条战线在共同进化的环境中,寻找更好的办法改变自己。Each of these freedoms is a front along which the organism can search for better ways to refit itself in a coevolutionary environment.