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用绿色打出阴影来掩盖皮肤发红。Reduce redness by using a green shades.

所以,你会出皮疹,或者皮肤变红So, you get a rash, or a redness of the skin.

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她顶冠的艳红让枫叶失去了颜色。The redness of her crest makes maples loss color.

你的眼睛可以滴点眼药水来清除血丝吗?Could your eyes use some drop to clear up redness?

芦荟胶还能止痛,减少红色血丝。Even the pain and redness is reduced by using Aloe-gel.

病人以雾视,发红为主症状求诊的居多。Blurred vision and redness were common presenting signs.

这两种方法都可以减轻眼睛发红,缓解眼疲劳,同时使您的明眸更加闪亮!Both will reduce redness soothe the eyes and add sparkle!

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只有在极少情况下才会引起皮肤发红。Only in very rare cases it will cause redness on your skin.

左脚酸痛,并有红肿,中变合击。The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling.

我可以在白天使用优色林红色疏缓晚霜吗?Can I use Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Night Creme during the day?

红的概念是从所有红色物体中提取出来的。The idea of redness is abstracted from the colour of all red objects.

双眼泛红和视力模糊对一些配戴隐形眼镜的人来说是一大梦魇。Redness or blurred vision can be a nightmare for some contact wearers.

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肚脐发红的情况在手术后逐渐消失。The redness of the umbilicus diminished gradually after the operation.

焦虑也可以通过发怒表现,同样地也会导致脸红。Anxiety can also be expressed in anger, which similarly leads to redness.

地面铺满秋葵的图案,加重了祭坛内部的红色调。The ground was covered with okra paint, enhancing the redness of theplace.

因为这个身世,她的童年被蒙上了血色阴影。Because of this life, her childhood been overshadowed by redness of shadows.

如有渗出液,一般都很轻微。通常无发红和发热现象。Effusion, when present, is slight, and redness and warmth are usually absent.

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任何创口周围发红变得更严重或更大Redness surrounding any of your incisions that is worsening or getting bigger

还视察外耳道孔的排写物,肿胀,或发红。Also inspect the opening of the ear canal for discharge, swelling, or redness.

结论GLS对试验性更年期潮热证具有治疗作用。Conclusion GLS is effective in the treatment of redness of climacteric syndrome.