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我提议帕尔先生担任主席。I propose that Mr. Parr be the chairman.

我们甚至还没有试图劝阻他们,帕尔说。We are not even trying to dissuade them, Parr said.

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阿富汗女足中踢球时间最长的卡丽达·波帕尔说。Afghan Women in the longest play Carrie wave Parr said.

在给巴荷莉的电话中,她说“无论这个孩子做什么我都能对付。”Parr. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out.

社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season.

Mashable的本·帕尔指出了最新的尼尔森在线流量数据。Ben Parr of Mashable points me to the latest Nielsen online traffic numbers.

CNN记者吉姆博尔登与威廉姆斯大奖赛集团主席亚当帕尔交谈,关于他们的首次公开股票发行。CNN's Jim Boulden talks with Williams Grand Prix holdings chairman Adam Parr about their IPO release.

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帕尔请求他们拿着当他们的家被意想不到的洪水摧毁时抢救出来的财产拍照。Parr asked them to pose with the possession they battled to save when their homes were unexpectedly hit.

帕尔为财富的展示所吸引,他把他拍摄的莫斯科暴发户照片看作最佳作品。Fascinated by displays of wealth, Parr cites his photographs of the nouveau riche in Moscow as his best work.

这系列的照片是2009年马丁帕尔与牛津饥荒救济委员会在被洪水淹没的越南广治省的旅行的延续。The series of shots follow a trip Martin Parr took with Oxfam in 2009 to flood-hit Quang Tri province in Vietnam.

用氧弹式自动测热仪测定苜蓿不同种群植物体的热值。The calorific value of Medicago populations from northern Xingjiang and cultivars were measured using Parr measurement.

“它们是我们的近亲,因此,它们处于一种独特的地位,来告知人类进化过程中的遗产,”Parr博士说。"They are our closest living relatives and thus are in a unique position to inform us about our evolutionary heritage, " said Dr Parr.

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摄影家马丁帕尔与牛津饥荒救济委员会合作了一个项目,为名人们和假如他们家遭遇洪水时会抢救的一个物品拍照片。The photographer Martin Parr has teamed up with Oxfam to take portraits of celebrities with the one item they would save if their home were flooded.

阿尔斯特大学国际互联网技术研究组的杰勒德帕尔教授,是世界首家英中智能控制、计算与制造领域调研网的成员。Professor gerard parr of the internet technologies research group at the university of ulster is part of the first uk-china research network in intelligent automation computing and manufacturing.

阿尔斯特大学国际互联网技术研究组的杰勒德帕尔教授,是世界首家英中智能控制、计算与制造领域调研网的成员。Professor Gerard Parr of the Internet Technologies Research Group at the University of Ulster is part of the first UK-China Research Network in Intelligent Automation, Computing and Manufacturing.