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发现一名可疑人。Find a questionable man.

不要进那些有问题的聊天室。Don't go into questionable chat rooms.

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允许可疑质量的事情进行。Allow things of questionable quality to proceed.

他对她的举止令人生疑。He behaved in a questionable manner towards her.

这个案件还有几个疑点。There are still a few questionable points in the case.

这一次至少可以说带着疑问的职业转向,是经过一番痛苦的反省才决定的。It was, to say the least, a questionable career swerve.

省去可疑的段落,从剽窃的边缘上抽身而退。Omit the questionable passage and draw back from the edge.

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但从政治上来看,这样的姿态甚至更有问题。But politically such an approach is even more questionable.

把一些可疑的期刊杂志摊开放在外面。Leave issues of some questionable magazines out in the open.

英国军队也曾涉嫌射杀平民。Questionable shootings of civilians by UK troops also figure.

为了我的收获而实验是值得道德的质疑的。That to experiment for my own gain is ethically questionable.

但其内容和演出者的夸张表演值得商榷。But the content and exaggerated performances are questionable.

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在与阿历克的这场较量中,真不知道是谁成为了牺牲品!One wonders who the tools really are in ALEC's questionable game.

他们承担这项研究的动机大有问题。Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable.

介时收到板后再与贵司商榷。Refer connected to the company after the board received questionable.

前立委林浊水支持增订「财产来源不明罪」,您支持这项法案吗?。Are you in favor of Lin Juo-shuei's Questionable Wealth Source Crime bill?

该框架的当前版本还存在线程安全问题。Thread safety in the current version of the framework is also questionable.

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动态提拨准备是否能影响经理人的行为,亦是个问题。Whether dynamic provisions influenced managers' behaviour is also questionable.

但是,这都不足以证明画中问人是少女简·奥斯汀。The reading's arguments that the portrait is of Austen are questionable at best.

那场比赛托尼帕克带伤上阵,也不确定今晚能否上场比赛。Tony Parker has been playing with a sprained left ankle and is also questionable.