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直到落下夜的紫帐。Till purple evenings fall.

那么晚上和临睡前又怎么样呢?What about evenings and bedtime?

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对我来说,晚上为最佳时期。In the evenings is the best for me.

墨娜,你介意在晚上工作吗?Myrna, do you mind working evenings?

他常常以作诗消磨长夜。He would rhyme away the long evenings.

在晚上我常常觉得寂寞。I often feel lonesome in the evenings.

——因为晚上的空闲时间多了。since I had more free time in the evenings.

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晚上会突然变得很冷。It could get suddenly nippy in the evenings.

夜晚引得成双成对和单身的男女去听音乐会。Evenings bring couples and singles for concert.

我一向喜欢与家人共度冬宵。I always enjoy winter evenings spent en famille.

他们把晚上的时间浪费在私人聚会上。They murdered their evenings in private parties.

他们在夏日傍晚时,常在户外用餐。They often dined alfresco in the summer evenings.

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遇到星月交辉的夜晚,我们总是聚在一起吃烤肉餐。On these fine evenings we usually have a barbecue.

汤姆总是在星期天晚上赶做他的家庭作业。Tom always rushes his homework on Sunday evenings.

疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

承蒙这些夜晚,我才有了纯真的念想。I owe to such evenings the idea I have of innocence.

我不愿意长时间工作,或者在晚上加班。I would hate to work long hours, or in the evenings.

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他们唱着歌,愉快地度过一个个漫长的冬夜。They sang songs to beguile the long winter evenings.

每周二晚,我还要上一堂额外的法语课。I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings.

营造商星期五给他的工人发工钱。He eked out his wages by working evenings and Sundays.