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那如何解释憎恨中国的现象呢?And how is the aversion to explain?

我对鱼腥味儿特别反感。I have a particular aversion to fish smell.

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排斥消费也同样根深蒂固。The aversion to spending is also deep-rooted.

人类对于生病的人有一种天然的厌恶感。Humans have a natural aversion to those who are ill.

有意思的是,厌恶是有针对性的。What's interesting though is the aversion is special.

我因为吸烟成瘾接受了厌恶疗法的治疗。I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.

第一,我们厌恶没有必要地浪费能量。First, we have an aversion to needlessly expending energy.

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第一在于奥巴马对政治诡计的厌恶。The first is Obama's aversion to the artifice of politics.

斗争的本质就是表明自己的厌恶之情。The intrinsic value of tussle is to evince one's aversion.

比如,过去很多人对负债有道德的厌恶感。For example, many generations had a moral aversion to debt.

2002年,世界各国的百万富翁都表现了规避风险的强烈意愿。Worldwide, HNWIs displayed a strong aversion to risk in 2002.

要除去我对他所怀的极深的厌恶,那是办不到的。It was impossible to remove that riveted aversion I had to him.

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风险厌恶是推动资产配置的最大因素之一。Risk aversion is one of the biggest factors driving allocation.

所以对苦的厌恶还可能挽救过我们祖先的生命呢。So an aversion to bitter may have helped our ancestors survive.

由于加西亚效应,我对希腊烈酒产生了强烈的厌恶感。And so, through the Garcia effect I developed a strong aversion.

排斥现象除担子菌外也曾由其它真菌证实过。Aversion phenomena are shown by fungi other than basidiomycetes.

我讨厌网络相亲的最大原因在于其虚有其表。For the most part, my aversion to online dating is about vanity.

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症见恶寒发热,头痛身疼。Symptoms include aversion to cold, fever, headache and body pain.

市场正减少仓位,对厌恶风险作出强烈反应.鉴于日本投资人多少都会持有日圆以外的较高收益的国际资产.现在看到出脱这些仓位,汇回资金也并非异常.The market reacts very much to risk aversion by reducing positions.

同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity.