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这是一个立体主义的时代。It's the time of Cubism.

他是立体派的创始人之一。He was one of the inventors of Cubism.

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而且他的立体主义风格导致了一场艺术上引人注目的革命。And his Cubism led to a dramatic revolution in art.

等一等,我们可以继续谈谈关于立体主义的那个问题吗?Hang on, can we stick with that point about cubism?

他的绘画风格是对立体主义的反叛。His style of painting was a reaction against cubism.

富于革新的艺术家为我们带来了立体主义和嘻哈风潮。Innovative artists have given us cubism and hip-hop.

立体画派是由毕加索和布拉克共同创造的。Cubism was equally the creation of Picasso and Braque.

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从1909年到1911年,他和毕加索一起发展立体派。From 1909 to 1911, he worked with Picasso to develop Cubism.

我得承认我对立体主义知道得不多。I have to say cubism is not something I know very much about.

立体派是难以理解的,蓄意地暧昧不明的,也尚未通俗的。Cubism was hard to read, willfully ambiguous, and yet demotic too.

然后,我在寻找毕加索的画,这位立体派和现代派的大师。Then, I was looking for Picasso, the master of Cubism and Modern Art.

帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的助力作用。Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.

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设计中可以看到立体主义与超现实主义的一些形式语言。The language of a few forms of cubism and surrealism can see in the design.

饭店内,你会欣赏到立体主义画派的优秀作品。Inside our restaurant, you’ll find paintings that are good examples of cubism.

这种绘画方式,在其它很多画家中间流传开来,比如被我们熟知的立体画派。This style of painting, which spread to many other artists, was known as Cubism.

保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起。The paintings of Paul Cezanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20th century.

路易威登基金会大楼四分五裂的多向外形,让人联想到布拉克和毕加索的立体主义。The Foundation's fragmented, multidirectional forms recall the Cubism of Braque and Picasso.

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保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起。The paintings of Paul Ce & 1 & zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century.

特德纳什探索通过这个组合的四分之三的想法立体主义和一个正方形的四边。Ted Nash explored cubism and the four sides of a square through the idea of fourths in this composition.

在立体主义画派创始人之一的毕加索之后的巴黎学派中尚无人能够超过他的国际影响。No later artist of the School of Paris has replaced PR. Picasso, a founder of cubism in international influence.