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他冒称自己是主席。He arrogated the chairmanship.

他将被派担任主席。He will be appointed to the chairmanship.

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他觎议长职位好几年了。He has coveted after the chairmanship for years.

王同志已被提名为主席。Comrade Wang has been named for the chairmanship.

他们认为乔治适于担任主席。They have thought of George for the chairmanship.

我并不要求主席职位,我是被迫接受的。I didn't ask for the chairmanship. I was pitched into it.

有劳你另外找人做主席好吗?A. Will you please find someone else for the chairmanship?

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我也要感谢唐纳德精彩的主持。I also want to thank Donald for his excellent chairmanship.

她被委任为委员会副主席。She is appointed to the vice- chairmanship of the committee.

浙商大多选择“子承父业”的继承模式。Zhejiang merchants mainly choose the mode of "succeeding to father's chairmanship".

据公布,他将从一月份起担任这家公司的总裁。It was noised abroad that he would be assuming the chairmanship of the company from January.

这次的否决票并未被忽视,尽管以往的否决票可以随意忽略,董事局剥夺了艾思乐的主席一职。Instead of ignoring this vote, as it was free to do, the board stripped Mr Eisner of his chairmanship.

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不过,一些观察员希望借此为期一年轮值主席的荣耀鞭策该国改善人权状况。Yet some observers hoped that the pride of the one-year chairmanship would inspire human-rights improvements.

当局已成立一个由民政事务局局长任主席的督导委员会。A Steering Committee on this Review has been established under the chairmanship of the Secretary for Home Affairs.

共和党领袖们顶住了来自银行业的压力,没有妨碍他成为新的小组主席。Republican leaders resisted pressure fromthe banking industry to block him from his new subcommittee chairmanship.

最后,我衷心祝贺哈萨克斯坦接任上海合作组织轮值主席国,承办2011年本组织峰会。In conclusion, I sincerely congratulate Kazakhstan on assuming the SCO rotating Chairmanship and hosting the 2011 SCO Summit.

约翰·辛库斯,来自伊利诺伊州,目前同另外三位候选人共同竞选众议院能源商业委员会的主席。John Shimkus, of Illinois, is one of four members now vying for the chairmanship of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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最终,他搬到了缅因州的波特兰,在那里,他获得缅因州医学中心精神病系主席职位。Eventually, he moved to Portland, Maine, where he had been offered the chairmanship of Maine Medical Center's psychiatry department.

另外一位维权投资者发起了一场活动,要求剥夺默多克的董事长职务,任命一位独立董事长。Another activist investor has launched a campaign to strip Mr. Murdoch of his chairmanship and appoint an independent board chairman.

作为东非政府间发展管理机构主席的埃塞俄比亚,也是这项高峰会的东道国。它被认为是幕后促使消灭青年党组织的主要推手。Ethiopia, which holds the chairmanship of IGAD and is hosting this summit, is seen as a major driver behind the push to crush al-Shabab.