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那个超级明星赚了大把大把的美元。The mega star makes maga bucks.

至于巨额奖金,嗯,这算什么问题?As for mega bonuses, well, what's the problem?

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只需要一个大型燃烧器,使历史。It only takes one mega burner to make history.

我听说麦嘉百货现在有些不错的优惠活动。I hear that Mega Mart has some great deals right now.

即是伟大的意思,Mega,megalo,与心灵,灵魂这些字有关,being,our,terms,for,great,and,psychos,高尚灵魂的人。Mega megalo Psychos related to our word psyche soul.

我听摇滚乐时总是喜欢打开超重低音。A- I always turn the mega bass on when I listen to rock.

而30年后东京将会成为一座空城。The scenario will be just a empty Mega city in 30 years.

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他出租了154英尺宽,代号“恐怖者”的巨型游艇。He rents out this 154-foot mega yacht called Mr. Terrible.

狮城最大的音乐聚会,将近一周不间断!It's a mega week of heart thumping music in the Lion City!

俗话说“瑞雪兆丰年”明年是个好年头。As the saying goes "Snow Mega Year" is a good year next year.

你怎样才能按时赶到米嘉-技嘉公司上班呢?How will you get to your office at Mega Giga Industries on time?

最后本文还对巨梁层结构单元的设计进行了相关讨论。At last, this paper discusses the design for the mega beam floor.

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这里,所有的学位都有了,你刚中了大奖,现在,你打算怎样渡过余下的人生?Here, all these degrees are yours and you just won a mega lottery.

我刚刚刚刚才知道你的朋友准备给你开个盛大的生日舞会。I just found out that your buds will throw you a mega birthday bash.

和每年的祭天一样,这里是用来祈谷的地方。And every year as the worship, here is the place for mega garden just.

既然这样为什么大多数毕业生依然坚持在大城市就业呢?So why are so many students still choosing to stay in the mega cities?

根据耸立在这里的那座8层大商场判断,他们干得相当不赖!And judging by the giant 8 level mega malls there, they do pretty well.

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这些大家伙之间的争斗场面肯定相当壮观。Battles between these mega carnivores must have been quite a spectacle.

它们形成了一座巨构,有扩展、弯曲和分支,但全部连接在一起。Its mega form extends, bends, and branches, but all connected together.

好莱坞已将重点放在基于3D电影制作的鸿篇巨制之上。Hollywood is focusing large scale mega project based on 3D movies making.