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变化源于需求Change comes from necessity.

我喜欢这种必要性辩护。I love the necessity defence.

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他为贫困所迫而偷窃。He was driven by necessity to steal.

所以这是立法者必须做到的。Hence the necessity of the lawgiver.

需要乃发明之母。Necessity is the mother of invention.

普兰廷格,天然的必要性。A. Plantinga, The Nature of Necessity.

泵站调压器的必要性?Necessity of booster pumping stations?

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好的地图是出门旅行辩刍可少的。Good maps are a necessity to travelers.

我们对人民必须忠诚老实。Want and necessity break faiths and oaths.

杰出的交通设备是绝对需要的。Good transportation is an absolute necessity.

他力陈马上采取行动的必要性。New means must of necessity be had recourse to.

而他又在流亡中与妻子走散He separated from her because of dire necessity.

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导线是现代世界一个丑陋的必需品。Wires are an ugly necessity of the modern world.

实行中文分词连写确实具有必要性。Link writing for Chinese words has the necessity.

讨论了补加型润滑油添加剂的必要性。The necessity of the post-additives is described.

为“装点门面”花点儿钱似乎已成为必须。Vanity spending seems to have become a necessity.

需要和机会可能使懦夫变成勇士。Necessity and oportunity may make a coward valient.

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作出决策乃当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.

独立忖量对学习是一概必需的。Independent thinking is an tot's necessity in study.

因为需要和被迫,她学会了做生意。She learned the trade by necessity and under duress.