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我刚好有看到那一集的播出。I happened to see that episode.

多相睡眠Seinfeld剧集Polyphasic Sleep Seinfeld Episode

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我问这段插曲给了他什么教训。I ask what the episode taught him.

上集节目里都讲了什么?What was the last episode all about?

乔纳森弗莱克斯执导的插曲。Jonathan Frakes directed the episode.

这部电影的插曲很好听。The episode of this film sounds good.

这一插曲可以充作典型例子。This episode may serve as a paradigm.

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郭敬明仍对此事件不在乎。Guo remains unbothered by the episode.

哥斯达黎加雨林,第一季第3集Costa Rican Rain Forest, Season 1 Episode 3

现在,你瞧,这又是另一个致命的唱段。Now, lo and behold, another deadly episode.

这段插曲的财政代价尚不明朗。The fiscal cost of this episode is unclear.

说起明天那集,我真的很兴奋。I'm really excited about tomorrow's episode.

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这一集的特别嘉宾是吴君如。Special Guest for this episode is Sandra Ng.

那是我一生中宁愿忘记的经龙!That's episode in my life I'd rather forget!

1937年的这段历史为我们提供了一个可引以为戒的例子。The 1937 episode provides a cautionary tale.

这张来自"星际迷航"里很早的一集This is from a very old "Star Trek" Episode.

狂躁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a manic episode may

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这一集的特别嘉宾是郑则士。Special Guest for this episode is Kent Cheng.

大卫的客串将在哪一天哪一集播出尚而知。No episode or date of his cameo are mentioned.

这段插曲默默无言,却秘密而亲切。The episode was tacitly and secretly intimate.