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我深出了一口气。I held my breath.

牵过我的手。Who held my hand.

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他们拦路劫了一辆车。They held up a car.

他水罐中的止水。held in His pitcher.

他手握着方向盘。He held to the wheel.

你紧紧拥我于怀中。You held me so close.

塔克斯。她拿出她的手。She held out her hand.

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他们将他扣作人质。They held him hostage.

就是他留过两次级。He was held back twice.

永远支持刘惜君!Held her back, forever.

有暖房培育着她们。Some hothouses held them.

他们拿枪指着我.They held me at gunpoint.

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海利站在门口怒容满面。They held up at the gate.

他们都不作声。But they held their peace.

甚至毛也持有类似的观点。Even Mao held similar view.

她举起一个购物袋。She held up a shopping bag.

我们因害怕然而屏住呼吸。We held our breath in fear.

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中国举行了两会。China held the two sessions.

双手捧着他的心。Held his heart in his hands.

她握着他的手,没有眼泪。She held his hand, dry-eyed.