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当然这是很奇特的。治安的司炉。It certainly was singular that the stoker of order.

在惠特比停留期间,斯托克住在河边的一个小旅馆里。While in Whitby, Stoker stayed at a small inn on the river.

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接下来的几年中,斯托克多次访问惠特比。Stoker visited Whitby several more times over the next few years.

1890年,布拉姆·斯托克驶进的正是这个充满了历史和神话的港口。It was into this harbor of history and myth that Bram Stoker sailed in 1890.

史托克虚构这个角色和故事,但是他的一些点子来自于传说中的故事。Stoker invented his character and story, but some of his ideas came from traditional stories.

针对抛煤机炉排烟黑度大、排尘浓度高的缺点,本文探讨总结了几种不同的炉内消烟除尘方法。Several methods of reducing fly ash and soot are discussed for spreader stoker boiler in this paper.

试验情况表明,往复炉排配蒸汽二次风有良好的燃料适应性。The tests showed that the reciprocating-grate stoker with steam jet had fine adaptability for fuels.

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提出一种能够用于链条炉燃用无烟煤的涡流拱新技术。A new kind of technique, the vortex arch suited to blind coal combustion for conveyor stoker is investigated.

惠特比为斯托克提供了理想的场景,成就了其书中一些更为迷人的细节。Whitby proved to be the perfect setting for Stoker to derive some of the more intriguing details for his book.

横向配风不均匀性会严重影响链条炉效率。The non-uniformity of transversal air distribution in a chain grate stoker can seriously affect the stoker efficiency.

介绍配煤技术在工业链条炉内的燃烧技术的应用。The application of coal blending technology in the industrial traveling grate stoker boiler is introduced in this paper.

炉排的铸造金加工量大,制造安装要求较高,造价也较大。The cost of the stoker is high because of large quantity of further process after casting and high demand of installation.

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链条炉是一种多变量系统,难以用比较准确、实用的数学模型来表示,所以用常规的PID控制难以达到理想的控制效果。Stoker is system of multi- variable which is difficulty to establish accurate mathematical model , so that usual PID is not ideal result.

镇上的居民向斯托克讲述了第二天早晨发现各种腐烂程度不同的尸体布满海滩的恐怖情形。The townspeople related to Stoker the horror of discovering bodies in various stages of decomposition scattered along the beach the next morning.

托林通是“埃里伯斯”号船上的仓库管理主管,在他赴西北航道探险时,同船前往的有约翰。富兰克林爵士,另有“恐怖”号船同行。Torrington had been chief Stoker aboard the Erebus which along with the Terror sailed with Sir John Franklin during his expedition to chart the Northwest Passage.

他当时正在写一部小说,灵感取自匈牙利探险家阿米纽斯。范贝利讲述的关于嗜血活死人的东欧传说。He had been working on a novel inspired by Hungarian adventurer Arminius Vambery who had regaled Stoker with eastern European tales of the blood-hungry living dead.

一艘开往澳大利亚的轮船到水手之家去要一名司炉,原来的司炉因为神经错乱在直布罗陀附近投海自杀了。A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors' Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens.

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针对抛煤机炉排烟黑度大、排尘浓度高的缺点,本文探讨总结了几种不同的炉内消烟除尘方法。改造实践证明,采用这些方法可取得良好的效果。Several methods of reducing fly ash and soot are discussed for spreader stoker boiler in this paper. The engineering application effects show that these methods are valid.

利用其技术的先进性,改进抛煤机锅炉燃烧系统,提高锅炉效率,减少排放,保护环境。The advanced technology is utilized to improved the combustion system of spreader stoker boilers and the boiler efficiency, to reduce the emission and to protect environment.

出生并长大煤机在爱尔兰和工作,先是公务员在都柏林,在那里他娶了佛罗伦萨首都都柏林的女孩贝琪,奥斯卡·王尔德曾简直结婚。Stoker was born and brought up in Ireland, and worked first as a civil servant in Dublin, where he married Florence Balcombe, a Dublin girl who had once nearly married Oscar Wilde.