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谁可以未卜先知呢?Who could foresee?

你预见到了具惠善的成功吗?Did you foresee GHS's success?

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预见祸患,避祸一半。A danger foresee is half avoided.

他能够根据云来预知天气。He can foresee the weather by clouds.

您能预见什么安全问题吗?Which security issues can you foresee?

赛麦的下场是不难预见的。Syme's fate was not difficult to foresee.

戴维能预知承揽工作的结果吗?Can David foresee the end of the job work?

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他们可能忙得没有时间预见任何事情。They were probably too busy to foresee anything.

您能预见一下这样的分类发生的可能性吗?Do you foresee any possibility of that sort happening?

最后,当我整天呆在家里时,我都能预见一天会发生什么。Finally, I foresee a day when I can stay at home all day.

许多地震学家都没预见到会发生此种情况。Many seismologists did not foresee this situation occurs.

他们能够预见研究与临床之间的障碍吗?Can they foresee obstacles between the research and the clinic?

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我们预期会出现软着陆,但不能将其视为理所当然。We foresee a soft landing, but this cannot be taken for granted.

像他的祖先一样,本尼有能力预知将来。Like his forefather, Benny had the ability to foresee the future.

野狼可以数数到7,并会预判行为的后果。Wolves can count till 7 and foresee the results of their actions.

既然我们无法预知未来,那么能不能从历史中寻找答案呢?Since we can’t foresee the future, what answers does the past suggest?

文本能够预见有权多方揣度的理想读者。A text can foresee a model reader entitled to try infinite conjectures.

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FAPRI依然认为,大豆产量的比重会进一步加大。FAPRI continues to foresee greater concentration in soybean production.

我预见有一天,除了电报和祷告,我们什么也读不到。I foresee the day when we shall read nothing but telegrams and prayers.

你能预测你学成归来后面临什么问题吗?What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China?