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学员们一遍遍听着关于美国人民和他们“虚假”笑容的官方介绍。The students are listening to a lection on American people and their ‘fake’ smiles.

经书上的经再好,如果不去实践,那么它也仅仅是一些文字而已。The lection of classics is too better, If it is not practiced, is is nothing more than words.

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湘西苗服体现了苗族自我,表现了独特的苗人哲学和服饰美学。Miao habiliments in western Hunan is a typical ref lection of Miao people's philosophy and dress aesthetics.

摘自新约圣经福音书的任何一段经文都可以作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读经文。A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament may be included as part of a religious service.

分析了损耗、填充系数K和面反射对透过率的影响。Effect of the fiber loss, packing fracting K and surface ref lection on the transmittance was analyzed respectively.

小和尚按照师父的话背着太阳诵读经文,渐渐地他就忽略了时间的流逝。At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection angist the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.

小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.

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遵循师父的建议,小和尚开始背对着太阳背诵经文,很快也就忽略了时光的流逝。At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun . By and by he neglected the passage of time.

小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by the neglected the passage of time.

本文提出在飞机选型中利用结构信息,使合成排序更符合客观实际。This paper presents a method using structure information in aircraft type se- lection to make synthetic priority more conform to reality.

第二天,他对老和尚说,“师傅真高明,这一转换方向,我就忘记了时间,整个心思都浸在这经文里了。”The next day he told the old monk,"Master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."

对真空管道垃圾收集系统的工艺、设备及技术指标做了介绍,并对其关键技术进行了探讨。Process, equipment and technique index of vacuum pipeline waste col lection system were introduced, and key technologies of the system were discussed.

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第三章花了大量篇幅集中介绍了支持选词的数据资源之构建情况,包括实例库的构建和语义模式库的构建。Chapter Three introduces the construction of example base and semantics pattern base, which are the main data resources of the lection selection model.

并指出现实市场是一个信息不完美的市场,由于信息收集要付出成本,估价师获得完美信息要付出很大代价。The paper point out the fact that the real market is one with imperfect information, since col- lection of information will take energy, time, and money.

认为症状不典型,询问病史及观察鼓膜不仔细是引起误诊、漏诊的重要原因之一。Atypical symptom, carelessness in col- lection of history and in examining the tympanic membrane were considered as one of the important causes of erroneous diagnosis.

这表明红镜鲤群体仍具有较高的变异水平,但遗传漂变和人工选择已对群体产生了较大影响。This study results indicated that high level genetic variation was still in Red mirror carp population, but genetic drift and artificial se- lection had much effect on population.