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你认为我假意虚情。You deem my words untrue.

你可能认为这是在走极端。You might even deem it as extreme.

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他们认为生命是轮回不已的。They deem that life is transmigrated.

理合声明。I deem it appropriate to make a statement.

它既不触犯我们,我们也不认为它怀有敌意。It neither offends us, nor can we deem it hostile.

让教会去决定什么样的婚姻可被视为“合法”。Let churches decide which marriages they deem “licit.”

我认为合于道的君王应该是大公无私的。I deem that a king conforming to Tao should be selfless.

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但是不要以为他们对身份地位就满不在乎。However, do not deem that they are not interested in status.

还列出了编辑认为特别有趣的一些标记。It also lists some tags the editors deem particularly interesting.

贵行是否认为有必要由另一家银行对信用证进行保兑?Does your bank deem it necessary to confirm this DC by another bank?

元修也不信.所以他准备好了等死。Dollar's fixing doesn't deem as well. so he gets ready to wait dead.

事实上,她的直觉告诉她,任何人都不值得相信。In truth, her intuition tells her, anyones are all unworthy to deem.

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有强烈逆反心理的人容易将自己视为受害者。People with strong negative mentality tend to deem himself as a victim.

章清亭这话可信么?一点儿都不可信!Chapter pure station can this words deem?The little bits can not believe!

如本规则有未尽善处,书院有权作出修改。The College reserves the right to amend the rules where deem appropriate.

我好像相信他的预见人们将会在野草中寻找种子。I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the weed.

我好像认为他的那的预见那个人将在杂草里寻找种子。I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the weed.

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我好像相信他的预见人们将会在野草中寻找种子。I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man wills eek seeds in the weed.

然后按你心里认为美丽的式样串起项链、手链、脚链或耳环。Then string your necklaces, bracelets , anklets or earrings as you deem beautiful.

既有的文献认为“控制权私有收益等于大股东对小股东的侵害”。The existing literatures deem PBC is the exploitation of the monitory stockholders.