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但是,也许垃圾摇滚还不算最致命的音乐。But grunge probably isn't the most deadly of genres.

我用了垃圾角刷包,以帮助我做到这一点。I used the Grunge Corner Brush Pack to help me accomplish that.

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垃圾风格甚至成为了一种时尚潮流,包括穿着破烂的乞丐装牛仔裤和法兰绒衬衫。Grunge even became a way of fashion including wornout, ripped jeans and flannel shirts.

例如,一个网站,销售滑板可能具有垃圾款式设计。For example, a website that sells skateboards would likely feature a grunge style design.

在北美,“涅磐”等“垃圾乐”乐队的火爆就证明了这一点。In North America it was exemplified by the popularity of Grunge music bands like Nirvana.

下载一些垃圾弯道和边界从这里,并粘贴在一个灰色的背景。Download some grunge corners and borders from here , and paste one over the gray background.

数十年来,我们曾有过“朋克”发型狂热、“都市牛仔”狂热和“吉拉吉”狂热。In recent decades we have had the "punk" hairdo fad, the Urban Cowboy" fad and the grunge fad.

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事实上Grunge虽然成为了历史名词,但它的影响已渗入潮流之中。Actually even Grunge fashion became a history, its influence has infiltrated through the trend.

下一步,您可以添加更多的垃圾信息,像一些用胶带的图片所示,下面的图片。Next, you can add more grunge details, like some masking tape over the picture, as shown in the images below.

他原是个三流摇滚团体的吉他手,后来放弃对于音乐的追求,而将满腔的热情放在了插花和盆景事业之中。Originally a guitarist in a grunge rock band, Azuma quit music to work on his emotive flower and plant-based art.

使用滴管工具的眼睛最黑暗的抽样绿色,然后画的四个角落的小垃圾在这颜色。Use the eye dropper tool to sample the darkest green color, then paint the four corners with a little grunge in that color.

要想有乞丐装的感觉,可以模仿卡罗琳·达莫尔,用格子衬衫搭配牛仔或皮背心,并配上哥特式风格的紧身衣。For the full-on grunge look, emulate Caroline D'Amore and pair a plaid button down with a jean or leather vest and add gothic-inspired tights.

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他和他的乐队“冷血动物”一起出演,他们放任地演绎着他们乏味的摇滚乐,其中注入了传统中国乐器元素。Performing with his band Cold Blooded Animals, they let loose with a grunge rock performance infused with traditional Chinese instrumentation.

不再属于硬石摇滚学校,摇臂看来现在是谁的人涉足的垃圾与高精密度位的一部分。您将看到越来越多的这些更期待下楼到您的壁橱的跑道和课程。No longer belonging to the school of the hard rock rockers, rocker looks are now part of the those who dabble in a bit of grunge with high sophistication.

垃圾摇滚美学常被抽丝检视、与其他摇滚音乐流派相比,许多垃圾摇滚音乐家亦被认为其作风不修边幅、舍弃夸张不实之感。The grunge aesthetic is stripped-down compared to other forms of rock music, and many grunge musicians were noted fortheir unkempt appearances and rejection of theatrics.

现在格伦杰已经成为记忆,但它仍像著名的太空针电视塔、永远下不停的毛毛雨和无处不在的咖啡店一样,是西雅图在流行文化方面的一个象征。Now Grunge is just a memory, but in popular culture it remains as much of a symbol of the city as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.

古典色彩,三种色调,本模板可以提前设定即将发生的事件,特色视频,独特页面,自动生成缩略图,强大的后台控制面板和其他的一些功能让它成为教堂宗教类的顶级模板主题。Grunge look, three color schemes, Auto expiring upcoming events, featured video, page slider, thumb resizer, mighty control panel and other functions makes it the best church theme in the market.