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食品中蛋白质含量测定需采用浓硫酸消化。Protein in foods is determined after digestion with sulphuric acid.

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氢是锌和硫酸反应的生成物。Hydrogen is a product of the reaction between zinc and sulphuric acid.

我们使磷酸盐岩同硫酸发生化学反应制造过磷酸钙。We make superphosphate by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid.

镀铬用的电解液次给是铬酸酐和硫酸。Chromeplating liuthium is mainly used for chromic acid and sulphuric acid.

把大约5亳升的浓硫酸加进100亳升的水样本中,混匀。Add 5 ml. concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 ml. water sample and shake well.

据估计,2005年全球硫酸产量达到一亿九千三百万吨。In 2005 world production of sulphuric acid was estimated at 193 million tonnes.

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从氯化钾中获取硫酸钾的第一步是通过使用硫酸进行酸化处理。In the first step KHSO4 is formed from KCl by acidulation using sulphuric acid.

固体酸催化剂是能够代替硫酸作为酯化的催化剂。Solid acid catalyst can be substituted for sulphuric acid as esterification catalyst.

高性能钒催化剂已工业应用于硫磺制酸系统。The high-performance catalyst has heenused in a sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plant.

四氯化锡能代替硫酸作为酯化催化剂。Stannic Chloride can be used as catalyst for esterification instead of sulphuric acid.

硫酸腐蚀了这块铁上涂层剥落的地方。The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.

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硫酸氢钠能够代替硫酸作为酯化作用的催化剂。Sodium bisulfate can be used as a catalyst for esterification instead of sulphuric acid.

本文对硫化铜精矿的硫酸熟化催化氧化浸出工艺条件进行了研究。The paper research process factors for sulphuric acid curing copper sulphur concentrate.

氯化铁能够代替硫酸作为酯化作用的催化剂。Ferric chloride can be ased as catalyst for the esterification instead of Sulphuric acid.

用硫酸氢钠代替硫酸作为酯化催化剂。Sodium bisulfate can be used as catalyst for the esterification instead of sulphuric acid.

采用硫酸法对锂辉石焙烧浸出工艺进行了研究。The roasting and leaching behavior of spodumene in sulphuric acid process was investigated.

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介绍淄博钴业股份有限公司硫酸系统近年来进行的技术改造。Technological revamping of Zibo Cobalt Co. 's sulphuric acid plants in recent years is described.

“泥浆沸腾,烟气咆哮,形成硫磺烟柱,”当地的导游书这么说。"Here boil the mud-pots, roar the fumaroles, and stand the sulphuric pillars" reads a local guidebook.

系统阐述了硫磺制酸生产过程中的废热回收方法、主要设备和提高热回收率的措施。Methods and main equipment of waste heat recovery in sulphur-burding sulphuric acid plants are described.