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我独自去赴幽会。I came out alone on my way to my tryst.

没想到他们的幽会却被采青看到了。Did not think their tryst was seen in green.

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随着他们的情欲不断升级,桌腿离洞口只有1英寸的距离。As their tryst escalates, the table inches closer to the hole.

接着他们会喝个酩酊大醉,或者晃进某个幽僻的寺庙里私会。Then everyone would get drunk or wander off for a tryst in a secluded temple.

我知道就在我们幽会时你才是真正的属于我的,仅仅只属于我一个的。I know that in our tryst when you are truly belongs to me, just only to me one.

幽会清洁工是一个商业和家居清洁公司,佩斯利,英国的。Tryst Cleaners is a Commercial and Domestic Cleaning company based in Paisley, UK.

关于我的“安娜贝尔之恋”,我还没有提及我们失败的第一次幽会。I have reserved for the conclusion of my "Annabel" phase the account of our unsuccessful first tryst.

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马克王对二人背着他的偷情行为很是震惊,下令把二人关押起来。King Marke is extremely aghast by their tryst behind his back and gives the order to have the two arrested.

杨父的自杀丝毫没有动摇她要与刘德华私人约会的决心。Even after her father's suicide, Yang Lijuan insists that her number one priority is a personal tryst with Lau.

他潇洒自如地频繁更换工作,并和一个从事艺术品经销得富婆频频约会。He wanders from job to job, lives as a squatter and enjoys a carefree romantic tryst with a wealthy art dealer.

因此,他们在私下幽会,就这样常常是两个好色男女沉浸在享受跨欢。Therefore, their tryst in private, it is so often the two lecherous men and women are immersed in the enjoyment of cross-Huan.

在偷情消息爆出后,克里斯汀和鲁伯特都很快就发表公开声明说他们的幽会一直是个错误。In the wake of the news, both Kristen and Rupert were quick to make public statements saying that their tryst had been a mistake.

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20岁的Yeater状告17岁的Bieber,声称他们洛杉矶演唱会后台发生关系,女子为其生下一孩子。Yeater, 20, filed a paternity suit against Bieber, 17, claiming that their backstage tryst at one of his L.A. concerts produced a child.

通过选择萨拉佩琳作为竞选伙伴,麦凯恩与原来那些他不怎么喜欢并且也不怎么喜欢他的共和党基础人士达成了妥协。By choosing Sarah Palin as his running-mate he made a cynical tryst with a party base that he has never much liked and that has never much liked him.

潜入老婆跟情夫幽会的酒店房间,用摄像机拍下床戏,制成光碟两张,一张卖给黄色网站,一张自己留着看。Sneaked into a hotel room where his wife tryst with her lover, take Sex photos in camera and made into CD-ROM 2, a sell sex site, one in my possession to see.

总之,他们会经常光顾'迪利普与当晚幽会的藤蔓女儿的',因为他们更愿意叫一瓶威士忌皇家挑战。Together, they would often visit Dilip for that evening tryst with the 'daughter of the vines', as they preferred to call the bottle of Royal Challenge whiskey.

其实狮子们并不总是沉迷于性幻想中,然而,如果和一个变幻无常的射手,或是调皮的双子抑或是与一个热情澎湃的白羊幽会过一两次,就会完全激发在性方面你无法想像的另一面。You are not really all that sexually imaginative, however, so a tryst or two with a flighty Sagittarian, or a sly Gemini, or an ardent Aries could awaken unsuspected sides of your sexuality.