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Faraj说道,“我现在是支持停火了,因为我们太弱了。I support the ceasefire now.

但是以色列还说,它更愿意再次实施停火协定。Said that it prefers to renew the ceasefire.

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联合国通过的停火协议上个月结束了这场冲突。U. N. -mandated ceasefire ended the war last month.

联合国通过的停火协议上个月结束了这场冲突。A U. N. -mandated ceasefire ended the war last month.

到目前为止,双方都遵守着停火协定。So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides.

联合国号召交战双方遵守停火协定。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.

三十分钟以后,海盗向我们做了个停火的手势。Thirty minutes later, the pirates gestured to us for a ceasefire.

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圣塔安那试图利用停火准备更多、更大的战斗。Santa Ana tried to use the ceasefire to prepare for more fighting.

而停火协议对叛军来说时适合的,因为他们现在正节节败退。A ceasefire would also suit the rebels if only because they are losing.

潘基文也说现在是时候让以色列考虑单方面的停战。Ban also said it was time for Israel to consider a unilateral ceasefire.

停火生效时,仅在黎巴嫩和以色列边界。A ceasefire will take effect in just hours in the Lebanese-Israeli border.

黎以边境再过几个小时就可以实现停火了。A ceasefire will take effect in just hours on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

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协定规定越南全境立即就地停火。The agreement called for an immediate ceasefire in place throughout vietnam.

停火协议20年以来,这是军政府第一次封锁道路的行动。This is the first time they block the road in 20 years of ceasefire movement.

如果不停火,我们将连埋葬死者的地方都没有了。We have no power. If there wasn't a ceasefire we couldn't even bury our dead.

叶敏是军政府与停火谈判的首席代表。Ye Myint is the regime's chief negotiator in talks with the ceasefire groups.

当2007年ETA决定违背停火协议时,大多数人暗暗地生气了。Most were quietly furious when ETA decided in 2007 to again break a ceasefire.

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中东地区的停火协议在为期一周的高层外交斡旋中可能即将产生。A Middle East ceasefire could be in the offing during a week of high diplomacy.

所以,斯科特将军终止了停火协议,他的军队开始进攻墨西哥城。So General Scott ended the ceasefire. His men began their attack on Mexico City.

而格鲁吉亚方则称是南奥塞梯方面首先打破了停火协议。According to the Georgians , the ceasefire was broken from the South Ossetianside.