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事实证明,悲观者更有先见之明。The pessimists proved the more prescient.

事实上,我们应该注意到,前者是多么有先见之明。Indeed, we should note just how prescient the latter have been.

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尽管有这样的先见之明,但仍然不足以令其免遭池鱼之殃。Though a prescient approach, it hasn't been enough to avoid the fallout.

然而,作为反对资本主义这个死敌的向导,马克思对资本主义的看法却颇有先见之明。As a guide to the sworn enemy, capitalism, however, Marx was more prescient.

拉马克凭直觉推演生物圈,而且具有先见之明。Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient.

他用看似预言的方式,诊断出了我们相互依存的这个世界的弊病所在。He diagnosed many maladies of our interdependent world in ways that seem prescient.

但是过去不也是这些有远见卓识的投资人争相进入那次级房贷中吗。But then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages.

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在读到了科莱考尔的报告以后,我才意识到了当初拉杰夫·戈亚尔对摩顿森的分析是多么具有预见性。I didn’t realize how prescient Rajeev Goyal’s analysis was until I read Krakauer’s report.

作为纽约联储银行行长,他对系统性风险有先见之明。As head of the New York Federal Reserve, he was prescient about systemic risks to the financial system.

正如许多有先见之明的人所预言的那样,从堕胎开始的对生命的䌀值,如今已经扩散到其他领域了。As predicted by many prescient persons, the cheapening of life that began with abortion has now metastasized.

他们对孩子的需要---换尿布,醒了,磨牙,等等---都好像有先见之明,这让我觉得不可思议。I was amazed at how prescient they were to this infant’s needs—changes of diaper, wakefulness, teething, whatever.

这两位律师警醒的见解最终导致美国确立了承认隐私权的普通法。The lawyers’ prescient observations eventually led to the recognition of a common law right to privacy in the United States.

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为了与宝马的X3进行竞争,雪佛兰以及大众都有相应的车型进入了这个市场。But BMW retaliated with the prescient X3, and everyone from Chevrolet to Volkswagen now has something to offer in this market.

所有这些反常的状况困扰着温杜大师,事情发生得太突然了,让一向素有先见之明的绝地们措手不及。Reversals such as these troubled Master Windu, for they came about too suddenly, and the usually prescient Jedi were unprepared.

小说出版后不久,尼德霍夫就带高特去四季酒店吃饭,并告诉她他知道她会写这样的书。Shortly after the book came out, Niederhoffer took Galt to lunch at the Four Seasons and told her that her book had been prescient.

尽管加加林对法国飞行员兼作家圣埃克苏佩里的作品都非常喜爱,但他的偏好性相当特别——也可以说是可悲的先见之明。Despite his fondness for the work of the French aviator and writer, Gagarin's preferences were characteristic – and sadly prescient.

如1月国务卿希拉里于卡塔尔的一次先验性演说中所言,美政府向来全面支持改革。The administration has supported change broadly, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did in a prescient speech in Qatar in January.

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柏拉图对民主的巨大担忧,即,市民会“面对日复一日的生活,及时行乐”,是有先见之明的。Plato's great worry about democracy, that citizens would "live from day to day, indulging the pleasure of the moment", has proved prescient.

从今天冰盖融化的情形看来,该农场所饱含的对大自然的尊重不仅十分美妙,而且还非常有远见。From the viewpoint of today's melting icecaps, the ethos of respect for nature in which the farm was steeped seems more prescient than far-out.

但更有趣的,是他十年前对中国经济顽疾所作的警告和评价,如今看来极有预见性和指导作用。But more interestingly, it was his warnings and assessment of China's economic ailments nearly a decade ago that seem prescient and instructive today.