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一副爱情手铐。A love handcuffs.

没错,是手铐。Yes, that’s handcuffs.

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那是因为这些金手铐。It's those golden handcuffs.

拍摄时的旁观者也要带上手铐了。The video-making bystander, in handcuffs.

我们戴着手铐尽可能地互相拥抱。We hugged as well as we could with the handcuffs.

目击者表示,59岁的杜瓦利埃没有戴着手铐。Eyewitnesses say the 59-year-old wasn't in handcuffs.

哈里胡迪尼也被从手铐逃跑而闻名。Harry Houdini also was famous for escaping from handcuffs.

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她在飞机上是带着手铐坐在那个美国执法官的旁边。She is shown on the plane sitting next to him in handcuffs.

男子用手铐和胶带来约束安全卫士。The men used handcuffs and tape to restrain security guards.

当我拉上裤链的时候,他就把我铐住了。As soon as I zipped up, he put handcuffs on me, Theisen said.

手帕蒙眼睛,护目镜固定,铁床的边栏上挂着一副手铐。To the side rail of the metal bed I fastened a pair of handcuffs.

汤姆说,慢慢地吃从他的警服皮带上解下那副银色手铐。He slowly detached his pair of silver handcuffs from his police belt.

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然后,杰克指令萝伦用一把断线钳剪断了他的手铐。Jack then has Lauren break his handcuffs with a pair of bolt cutters.

让他铐上死人的手吧,鞭打他们无知觉的尸体吧。Let him put handcuffs on the dead and beat them senseless with whips.

昆虫发出的噼啪声响其实是用一副扣着的手铐制造出来的。The sound of insect clicks was the actual sound of locking handcuffs.

他蹲在狱警身边,注意到了锁在检查台上的手铐。He hovers over the C.O. and notices the handcuffs locked to the table.

静远随即要求打开俞显扬的手铐脚镣,小秋只得照办。Jingyuan then asked Yu Xianyang to open handcuffs shackles, Pelle had to do.

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他们给我摘下手铐,打开门,让我走到被告席上去。They unfastened my handcuffs , opened the door, and led me to the prisoner's dock.

梅森带着杰克进入了办公室,托尼看着尼娜被铐起来带走了。Mason takes Jack into the office, as Tony watches Nina being led away in handcuffs.

她联系很困惑,瑞秋和越来越多的绳子把她铐在她。She ties a very confused Rachel up with more and more rope keeping her handcuffs on her.