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我是一朵柳絮。I'm a willow catkin.

那是一棵柳树。It is a willow tree.

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柳树开始哭泣。So the willow weeps.

我是一朵柳絮。I'am a willow catkin.

站在柳树稍。On top of the willow.

她一哭就在柳树下。She cried under a willow.

插柳起源的说法有很多。Plug the origin of willow.

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她有一个细柳条箱。She has a willow twig case.

那儿有不打弯的柳树。Where the willow don't bend.

抛下这老柳树在。Leaving the old willow behind.

西城杨柳弄春柔。West willow alley spring soft.

他给女儿取名沙柳。He named their daughter Willow.

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那河畔的金柳。The golden willow by the river.

亚利桑那州佩森附近的威洛火灾Willow Fire Near Payson, Arizona

柳林里的画眉姐姐。Sister Thrush in the willow grove.

今我来兮,杨柳依依。I'm coming now with willow weeping.

柳树开始抽芽了。The willow trees have begun to bud.

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我看得见柳树丛的嫩枝了。I could see twigs on the willow bush.

孤城杨柳晚来蝉。Isolated city willow late to cicadas.

杨柳才吐出半粒米大的新芽。The willow just sprouted little then.