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他是个易动感情的人。He is an emotional person.

这是一种情感的宣泄。A kind of emotional reflex.

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这就是情感敲诈。This is emotional blackmail.

什么是情感顺应性?What Is Emotional Resilience?

饼干是一个情感问题。Biscuits are an emotional issue.

巨蟹座是一个易动感情的星座。Cancer is a very emotional sign.

感情的戏,我没演技。Emotional drama, I'm not acting.

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你们想要一个感情用事的飞行员么?Would you want an emotional pilot?

所有我的胜利都是那么令大家激动。All my wins seem to be so emotional.

但是,我们也能哭出充满感情的泪水。But we also produce emotional tears.

情绪化的投资向来没有好下场。Emotional investing never ends well.

你可能会比平常更加情绪化。You may be more emotional than usual.

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波尼博伊是小说的主要人物之一。This is an emotional story about Mieko.

但多数情绪触点是习得的。But most emotional triggers are learned.

性情感表达权。The right to emotional sexual expression.

秋的景色是最富于情感的伪装的。Autumn scenery is rich emotional disguise.

摩羯座给予天秤座以情感支持。Capricorn provides them emotional support.

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我可受不了那些拿肉麻当有趣的无聊举动。I can’t stand all that emotional nonsense.

在一个情感的世界里,它是一个爱之梦。In an emotional world a dream of one love.

沉默是一种情感放逐。Silence is a form of emotional banishment.