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我毫不在乎。Not a brass farthing.

不需要的东西,再便宜也贵。What is not needed is dear at a farthing.

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法辛巷刚好在大街的北面,与大街平行。Farthing Lane's just above the High Street and parallel with it.

“那,”伽弗洛什说,“我深深感到不用我操心。”"Oh! Come now," said Gavroche, "I don't care a brass farthing for that!"

即使约翰是个百万富翁,他也不会用他的一分钱去做有益于人民的事。I never spend a farthing on myself, but you don't seem to understand how hard it is.

小币有很小价值的一个货币,尤指一个过时的英国硬币,值半个法郎。A coin of very small value, especially an obsolete British coin worth half a farthing.

那时,来了一个穷寡妇,投了两个小钱,即一文铜钱的四分之一。And there came a certain poor widow, and she cast in two mites, which make a farthing.

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但是计入了他的劳动以后,小麦和面包售价提高的幅度却不会超过四十分之一便士。But they will not be sold a tenth part of a farthing dearer in consideration of his labour.

即使约翰是个百万富翁,他也不会用他的一分钱去做有益于人民的事。Even if John were a millionaire which he was not, he would not use a farthing of his wealth to benefit the people.

饥饿被切成了一个铜板一小碗的极薄的干洋芋片,用极不情愿花掉的几滴油炒着。Hunger was shred into atomies in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato, fried with some reluctant drops of oil.

比人群中一切喜悦还要明丽的,是一个小姑娘灿烂的微笑,她花一文钱就买到一个棕桐叶哨子。Brighter than all the gladness of the crowd was the bright smile of a girl who bought for a farthing a whistle of palm leaf.

为了给患有白血病的孩子募捐,英国白血病患者劳埃德·斯科特骑异形自行车成功穿越了澳大利亚沙漠地带,并于12月2日到达目的地悉尼。A British leukaemia patient rolled into Sydney after a gruelling fundraising ride on a vintage penny farthing bicycle across the Australian outback.