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这时候,那阵狂笑又重新爆发出来。Then the laughter burst out afresh.

这是一个重新出发的机会。It’s an opportunity to start afresh.

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下一次你决不能再迟到。You mustnt be late afresh next time.

这工作得重新再做了。The work will have to be done afresh.

我重新哭泣爱情久已过去的哀愁。And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe.

于是马格洛大娘又把整个故事从头说起。Then Madame Magloire began the whole story afresh.

阿金回到香港,重新做起武师。A gold returns Hong Kong, make military division afresh.

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但是,伊布表示他缺乏接受新挑战的欲望。However, Ibrahimovic says he lacks the desire to start afresh.

正如您可以搜索帖子,您也可以重新创建帖子。Just as you can search posts, so too can you create them afresh.

怎么才能删掉过去伤心的事重新开始???How does ability expunge sad in the past thing to begin afresh ? ? ?

我要和以前学的那些玩艺儿一刀两断,一切从头开始。I want to make a clean sweep of everything I've learnt and start afresh.

如果需要一个对象,就从池中获取它,而不需要重新创建它。If an object is needed, it is retrieved from the pool and not created afresh.

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如果你与某人吵架,计划着下次遇到他们时重新开始。If you fall out with someone, aim to start afresh the next time you see them.

当年黑鹰帮的那个杀神又回来了。The black eagle helped in those early years of the deicide comes behind afresh.

为了鼓励落魄的父亲重新开始生活,林思齐报名参加了MMA。Begin the life afresh to urge abjection father, lin Saiqi signs up attended MMA.

上周血腥的预兆可能就是他头脑重新狂躁起来的导火索。Last week these sanguinary omens may be presumed to have fired his brain afresh.

而人造板是将木材分解成木片或木浆,再重新制作板材。And man-made board is decompose lumber hub or wood pulp, make board afresh again.

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不等艾利开口,她看了一眼门边又道。Don't wait moxa benefit prologues, she visited an eye side of door a path afresh.

黄-重新调解已经破坏的身体机能平衡性Yellow-the intermediation has been already broken afresh of body function balance

与其修改俱乐部的章程,不如将其废弃并重新制定。Rather than amend the club's constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh.