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原本的氛围已无迹可寻。All form of aura is absent.

我努力想让照片显得更“灵韵”一些。I try to make my photos look more "aura".

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他的风采让我们感到激动。He has an aura that make us feel the thrills.

一头短发的杨丞琳,看起来颇有气场。Short-hair Rainie, had the aura all around her.

圣多斯身上的名人光环也来自于此。Some of Santos's celebrity aura came from that.

第五部分,探讨本雅明灵韵理论的意义。Part V, on the theory of Benjamin aura significance.

在斗气状态下可以经常使用极限技。You can use Limit Breaks more frequently under Aura.

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我称你的心智和思想为你的”心智光能场”。I will call your mind and thoughts your "mental aura."

你可能做出了要费好多力气才能让你高兴的暗示。You may just exude the aura of lots of work to keep happy.

专注光环现在42级时可从训练师处习得而非54级。Concentration Aura is now trained at level 42, down from 54.

虔诚光环现在18级时可从训练师处习得而非22级。Devotion Aura is now trained at level 18, down from level 22.

摘要普罗科菲耶夫所有的创作特征都能在早期作品中找到先兆。Aura of all features could be found in Prokofiev's Early work.

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水、树和光线使空间充满宁静的气氛。Water, tree and light, fill the space with an aura of serenity.

这一脑部活动被认为是先兆偏头痛的成因。This brain event is considered to be the cause of migraine aura.

从邮戳看是发自伦敦的,上面已经布满模糊混乱的油渍了。It was postmarked from London and had the faintest aura of grease.

医学界人士的秘密会议总有一种神秘的气氛。There is always an aura of mystery to the conclaves of medical men.

纽约像其他大城市一样,有它自己不可言状的氛围。Like all great cities, New York has an indefinable aura all its own.

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现在,三星正在想法打破苹果产品在美国市场的光环。Now, it’s trying to pop the aura surrounding Apple’s products there.

当出现了临产先兆或计划施行剖宫产时再拆除缝线。When the aura of birth or plan to dismantle suture cesarean section.

第二部分,概括本雅明灵韵理论的基本内容。The second part, summed up the basic theory of Benjamin aura content.