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2007年6月26日由陆地卫星5号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 5 on Jul. 26, 2007

这本书的及时出版有以下几个理由。Jul 8th 2010This is a timely book for several reasons.

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所有的银行家都知道,排行榜有误导作用。Jul 8th 2010As all bankers know, league tables can mislead.

2007年7月,厂房二期工程建设启动,扩展生产能力。In Jul 2007, the Party branch of the company is established.

江总书记“七一”重要讲话,内涵丰富,思想深刻,提出了许多新思想、新观点、新论断。At present, the purpose for us to study the important address of "Jul."

请尽快确认,不然可能赶不上7月1日前出运。Please confirm asap, so that we could arrange the shipment before Jul. 1st.

2006年7月31日,一桶冰块被放置在上海老型号的地铁一号线车内。A pail of ice-cubes is place in a carriage of Shanghai subway, Jul. 31, 2006.

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2007年7月1日,中国曹妃店,一位年轻人在海边舒展自己的手臂。On Jul 01, 2007, Caofeidian China, a young man stretching arms at the seaside.

请在2007年7月17日上午十点前将此表交至各班负责人处。Please hand in a hardcopy of this form to class monitor before 10AM, Jul 17th 2007.

该合同工作将在纽约Syracuse进行,预计将在2010年7月完成。Work for this contract will be performed in Syracuse, N.Y., and is expected to be completed by Jul. 2010.

十年前的圣诞平安夜历历在目,今年的平安夜祝愿好友一生平安!The Christmas Even ten year ago still alive in my memory, I wish all my best friends God Jul och Gott Nytt Ar!

在我们周六在斯坦福2-1击败美洲俱乐部后,到处是笑容。Mon, 16th Jul 2007 It was smiles all round following our 2-1 victory over Club América in Stanford on Saturday.

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1985年7月推出一种便宜的准军用MG“防御者”型,主要用于治安、边境巡逻、救援、反毒品。Jul 1985, a low price MG variation appeared, mainly do the job as security, border guarding, rescue, anti-drugs.

本文详细介绍了二次气球法测氡比对实验。1986年比对发现气球法灵敏度低,比对结果普遍偏高等问题。This paper describes the results of Dec. 1986 and Jul. 1988 radon intercomparison exercises for the balloon method.

没有多少25岁的人或许公司可以明智地断言本人改动了这个世界。Jul 27th 2006 From The Economist print edition NOT many 25-year-olds can reasonably claim to have changed the world.

从二零零三年开始,九巴陆续淘汰三菱MK巴士,而用作训练巴士用途的AM72亦已经于二零一零年八月退役。KMB started to withdraw Mitsubishi MK midibuses from 2003. The Mitsubishi training bus AM72 was also delicensed in Jul. , 2010.

也许七夕的主角就是星星,如果西历7月7日还在梅雨季当中,经常下雨,该不太适合。Perhaps it is not suitable to find the Milky Way in 7 JUL on the solar calendar because we are still in the rainy season called "Tsuyu".

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穆里尼奥给了本哈伊姆来到切尔西一个热情的欢迎,并强调了在阵容中拥有多面性的重要。Thu, 12th Jul 2007 José Mourinho has given Tal Ben-Haim a warm welcome to Chelsea, stressing the importance of having versatility in the squad.

从上面的照片来看,很难看出拍摄时间,可能是7月5日,也可能是5月7日,因为美国和欧洲国家写日期的方式有所不同。As shown in the picture above, it’s hard to tell when the picture was taken, it could be Jul 5th or 7th May as the American and European tell date in a very different manner.

我喜爱七月,喜爱七月冒名顶替领导,去听报告会的愤而不甘做“替罪羊”的举止,和怯怕被人识破而又不羁的心情。I love Jul, Jul impostor like leadership, listen to the angrily unwilling to report the "scapegoat" in manners, and scared people to see through the fear and feeling uninhibited.